Where your future begins

IPE Amendment

Categorized In: Case Services - IPE

Approved Date: April 08, 2022

Owner: Angela Fujan

361.45(b)(2) The individualized plan for employment must be designed to achieve a specific employment outcome, that is selected by the individual consistent with the individual's unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice. 

361.45(d)(6) The individualized plan for employment is amended, as necessary, by the individual or, as appropriate, the individual's representative, in collaboration with a representative of the State unit or a qualified vocational rehabilitation counselor (or to the extent determined to be appropriate by the individual), if there are substantive changes in the employment outcome, the vocational rehabilitation services to be provided, or the providers of the vocational rehabilitation services. 

361.45(d)(7) Amendments to the individualized plan for employment do not take effect until agreed to and signed by the eligible individual or, as appropriate, the individual's representative and by a qualified vocational rehabilitation counselor employed by the designated State unit.

Terms and Conditions - Thoroughly review the text in this section with the client. It is important the client understands and is in agreement with the conclusions and action to be taken that are outlined in this section.

Provide full consultation to the client and document discussion and decision in the case file. See VRIS Documentation .

If the client does not agree with the amendment or refuses to sign the form:

An Amendment is subject to all the rules governing the IPE development and implementation. 

The IPE must be amended when:

  • the employment outcome changes; (including job goal pursuing, job obtained for employment follow up) or
  • a category is added or
  • a service is terminated; or
  • “who will provide” (Community or Team) changes

In addition an IPE with a projected post school employment outcome with a student with a disability must be amended when:

  • a change in the projected post school employment outcome (exploring another broad goal) 
  • a specific employment goal is developed
  • the student with a disability is no longer eligible to receive pre-employment transition services
  • the youth with a disability prior to the youth’s 25th birthday

Required Signatures: A Service Specialist may assist an individual in developing the IPE, but is not authorized to approve the IPE or amendment. The date of approval is the official date to be entered into QE2. See VRIS Required Signatures on VR Documents

Client Assistance Program (CAP): Nebraska VR must provide the CAP information to clients during the application process, when developing the individualized plan for employment, case closure or at any time the client disagrees with a VR final decision.


IPE Amendment: 

An IPE Amendment is subject to all the rules governing the IPE development and implementation. See VRIS Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE)

The client must sign and return the IPE Amendment to amend the IPE in QE2. 

When the Employment Outcome/Job Goal changes:

The Employment Outcome being pursued or obtained must match the Employment Outcome on the current IPE. Employment Outcome includes: Projected or Employment Outcome, Supported or Unsupported, Self-Employment and specific job goal/SOC code)

  • Pursued. All services provided need to support the IPE employment outcome. 
  • Review and update the IPE to determine if the new employment goal is an appropriate job goal and what services the client needs to achieve the new employment goal.
  • Consider using the following additional resources:
    • Make Sure this Job is Right for You
    • IPE Guide
    • Job Readiness and Job Planning Factors
  • Obtained. The job obtained must match the IPE Employment Outcome (Projected or Employment Outcome, Supported or Unsupported, Self-Employment and specific job goal/SOC code). The first two digits of the IPE SOC code must match the job title/SOC code in the employment history to start the 90 day clock and complete successful employment outcome in QE2. Ensure the job meets the individual's unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice.
  1. Utilize IPE form and check amended.
  2. Update the Employment Outcome: (Projected or Employment Outcome, Supported or Unsupported, Self-Employment and specific job goal/SOC code).
  3. Review Services - determine if there are services to be removed or added, based on the new job goal
  4. Obtain client agreement and signature or, as appropriate, authorized representative. 
  5. Provide a copy of the signed IPE Amendment to the client

When a Category is Added:

Only when a new category is added, an amendment is required.  Services can be added to the existing category without an amendment. 

  1. Utilize the IPE form and check "Amended"
  2. Identify services the client will need to achieve the job goal. Indicate the following:
    • Category and related service
    • Who will Provide (Team or Community)
    • Estimated start and end date of the service, as needed.
  3. Review all services to determine if other changes are needed and include any needed adjustments.  
  4. Obtain client agreement and signature or, as appropriate, authorized representative. 
  5. Provide a copy of the signed IPE Amendment to the client

When a Service is Terminated:

Only a specific service Vocational Rehabilitation can no longer support requires an amendment. Services that are not used or completed, do not require an amendment. 

  1. Utilize the IPE form and check "Amended"
  2. Complete the IPE Amendment - Termination of a Service form.
  3. Review all services to determine if other changes are needed and include any needed adjustments.  
  4. Obtain client agreement and signature or, as appropriate, authorized representative. 
  5. Provide a copy of the signed IPE Amendment - Termination of Service form to the client.

Note: Any service that is already in process, cannot be stopped while the client is involved in either mediation or the appeal process. For post-secondary training, making an adjustment for credit hours funded but not completed does not constitute stopping a service.

When a Who Will Provide the Service Changes (Community or VR):

When a service changes from Community provided to VR provided, or VR provided to Community provided, an amendment is required. 

  1. Utilize the IPE form and check "Amended"
  2. Update the following:
    • Who will Provide (Team or Community)
    • Estimated start and end date of the service, as needed.
  3. Review all services to determine if other changes are needed and include any needed adjustments.  
  4. Obtain client agreement and signature or, as appropriate, authorized representative. 
  5. Provide a copy of the signed IPE Amendment to the client



Approved Date
December 17, 2021 Show this Archived Version
November 13, 2018 Show this Archived Version
November 13, 2018 Show this Archived Version

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