Where your future begins

Eligibility - Social Security Recipients

Status: Archived

Approved Date: January 08, 2018

  • Impairment
    • Primary impairment is not a visual
    • Secondary or tertiary visual impairment does not meet NCBVI eligibility criteria
    • Impairment documented by SSA verification of SSDI or SSI based on disability
  • Can Achieve an Employment Outcome
    • Assumed unless clear and convincing evidence to the contrary
  • Discuss Ticket to Work with client
  • Document SSDI and/or SSI on the QE2 Household Income screen
  • Complete SSA 3288 Consent for Release of Information/Earnings (VR)
  • Complete SSA 3288 Consent for Release of Information/General (VR)
  • Mail/Fax SSA 3288s to local Social Security Office
  • Refer for Benefits Orientation
  1. Verify the individual is receiving SSDI and/or SSI based on his or her disability by obtaining:
    • Copy of Ticket. If he or she received a Ticket under the 'Ticket to Work' program make a copy for the file; Copy of SSA Award Letter. If available, make a copy of the SSA award letter for the file;
    • Copy of Check Stub. If available make a copy of a SS check stub for the file; or
    • Written or Phone Verification. Verify by phone or in writing with a local social security office.
  2. Determine the individuals eligibility or ineligibility for services as soon as receipt of SSDI and/or SSI benefits based on a disability has been verified.
    • In making a decision that an SSDI and/or SSI recipient is not capable of benefiting in terms of an employment outcome because of the severity of the disability, first determine whether existing information provides clear and convincing evidence the applicant cannot achieve, or does not want to achieve, an employment outcome, such as assessments and reports from previous trial work experiences conducted by a:
      • Vocational Education program;
      • School work experience program;
      • Community Rehabilitation facility program;
      • Sheltered Employment program; or
      • Other current or recent period of vocational services comparable to those that could be provided with extended evaluation services.
    • If existing information does not provide this clear and convincing evidence, VR staff should arrange for trial work experiences in the most integrated setting possible with appropriate supports and assistive technology devices and services. (See Ineligibility/No longer Eligible Chapter)
  3. Complete the eligibility determination in QE2 and placement into a Priority Group. (See Order of Selection Chapter)
  4. Request Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) information from Social Security Administration
  5. Refer the individual for a Benefits Orientation is not already referred.
  6. Verify that Household Income Screen has been updated to document that client receives SSDI and/or SSI based on a disability.

Individuals who receive SSDI or SSI on the basis of his or her disability meet all eligibility requirements, unless VR can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that they are incapable of benefiting in terms of reaching an employment outcome due to the severity of their disability.

Individuals must be determined eligible prior to providing VR services under an Individualized Plan for Employment. Eligibility requirements are:

  • Physical/Mental Impairment. The individual must have a physical or mental impairment.
  • Substantial Impediment to employment. The impairment must constitute or result in a substantial impediment to employment.
  • Benefit from VR Services. The individual must be able to benefit in terms of an employment outcome from the provision of VR services.
  • Require VR Services. The individual must require VR services to prepare for, secure, retain, or regain employment.

Eligibility determinations must be made by either a VR rehabilitation specialist or a VR office director. A VR service specialist may indicate to an individual their belief that he or she will be eligible for services and start the career planning process. However, the VR service specialist should clearly explain that only a VR rehabilitation specialist or VR office director has the authority to officially determine eligibility for services.

Eligibility must be completed within 60 days of the application for services unless exceptional and unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of staff preclude making the decision and the individual agrees to a specific extension of time. A QE2 Eligibility Determination Extension is required if the decision exceeds 60 days.

Discrimination Eligibility requirements are applied without regard to gender, race, age, color, or national origin.

Age Restrictions There is no upper or lower age limit that, in and of itself, results in a finding of ineligibility for any person who otherwise meets the basic eligibility criteria.

Residency There is no durational or other residency requirement imposed that excludes from services any person who is present in the State.

Open Case in Two States An individual may have an active case in two state VR agencies at the same time and both VR agencies would be allowed to record a successful employment outcome. Contact the Program Director for Counseling Services to discuss if you learn a case is open in another state VR agency or if the individual tells you they are going to apply for services from another state VR agency.

Non-Citizenship Only a non-citizen who is authorized by the U S Department of Homeland Security to work can be served by the agency. See Citizenship section in the Application and Transfer to the Employment Program chapter.

*Information on Selected Impairments

  • Alcohol or drug abuse (including marijuana)
    • A diagnosis of 'abuse' or 'dependence' is acceptable for impairment.
    • VR will not serve an individual who is actively using.
    • Decisions on eligibility will be based on individual circumstances and not on any pre-determined length of sobriety.
    • Previous convictions, felonies and/or incarcerations due to abuse/dependence may be used in describing the impediment to employment as they do have an effect on the individual's ability to obtain employment and/or the types of jobs they might be able to attain.
  • Borderline Intellectual Functioning.
    • If Borderline Intellectual Functioning is the diagnosis on a report received from an individual licensed to make such a diagnosis, it will be considered an impairment. Borderline intellectual functioning IQ ranges from 71-84. An MDT signed by a school psychologist or a psychological report signed by a school psychologist with a diagnosis of Borderline Intellectual Functioning would also be acceptable documentation.
    • Note: To document the impairment in QE2, select “borderline intellectual functioning (IQ 71-84)” from the list of impairments under Mental Functioning-Developmental.
  • Mental Handicap
    • Any diagnosis from an MDT of “mental handicap” will be considered an impairment. The maximum full scale IQ for “mental handicap” is 75. To document the impairment in QE2, select Mental Functioning-Developmental, then select either intellectual disability mild (IQ 50 - 75), intellectual disability moderate (IQ 35 - 55), or intellectual disability severe (35 and under) depending upon the full scale IQ.
  • Hearing Impairments
  • Visual Impairments
    • The Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NCBVI) serves individuals who experience visual impairments. Refer any individual who has a visual impairment to NCBVI. If the individual is not eligible based on the visual impairment VR may assess eligibility based on other impairments. VR cannot serve any individual whose only disability is visual. See NCBVI Cooperative Agreement Chapter.

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