Where your future begins

Vocational Evaluation

Categorized In: Case Services - Assessment Services/Planning

Approved Date: March 02, 2023

Owner: Kristi Berst

Vocational Evaluation is a comprehensive assessment process using a combination of interviewing, career planning, behavioral observation, standardized and non-standardized assessment, and simulated work activities individualized to assist with choice of employment goal and plan of VR services.

Vocational evaluation services are to be made available for any client needing to obtain greater self and work knowledge related to their strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, labor market information, and advancement opportunities as well as the functional impact of the person's disability.

For Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) eligible students with a disability who have a signed consent and release, activities are limited to exploration rather than assessment, but if a student with a disability has applied and been found eligible (preferably) for VR services, all evaluation services are available.  

Evaluation may occur any time in the VR process, providing the applicant is presumed eligible or if the client is in a priority group currently being served.

Process: Referral

1. Provide informed choice by discussing various ways information may be gathered and determine with the client if a vocational evaluation may be beneficial in addressing any of the following issues:

  • Client is indecisive in selection or uncertain of a vocational goal or direction and needs further career planning, exploration, and/or vocational assessment to make an informed choice regarding next steps in relationship to employment. 
  • Client has a job goal but needs vocational assessment to determine if current skills and abilities are aligned and functional capacities are considered
  • Pre-Employment Transition student (no VR application) requires additional exploration activities (no assessment)

2. Complete the following before making a referral for vocational evaluation

  • Request appropriate medical, psychological, and/or school records for eligibility and planning purposes
  • Move case from Referred to Determined Eligible in QE2 unless rare circumstance where vocational evaluation activities are required to determine eligibility or priority group status
  • Encourage client to complete Step 1 of Discovery Booklet or Career Planning Preferences for individuals with an Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD) diagnosis
  • Complete referral to Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP) if assistive devices or technology are needed prior to beginning evaluation
  • The evaluator prefers all updated medical, psychological, and/or school records prior to the start of evaluation and it is in the client’s best interest to do so. If updated or most recent information has not been obtained in advance, the evaluation process can still begin; however, the evaluator and client may not arrive at a final job goal or recommendations until the relevant information has been received. *Not every diagnosis requires current medical as some conditions remain static and thus existing information can be used.

3. Complete Vocational Evaluation Referral 

For Pre Employment Transition Students with a Disability with or without a VR application, needing more in-depth exploration:

Process: Conduct Additional Exploration Activities or Vocational Evaluation

1. Schedule Vocational Evaluation within 15 calendar days of referral. Document reason in task note if timeline cannot be met

2. Review available records and Discovery Booklet or Career Planning Preferences, if applicable, prior to beginning the exploration activities or vocational evaluation and arrange any necessary accommodations

3. Review with client/student why they were referred to Vocational Evaluation and understand their expectation of evaluation

  • Discuss possible accommodations
  • Capture stated initial interests and explore further
  • Consider strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, limitations, abilities, capabilities, labor market information, job readiness factors 
  • Examine potential advancement opportunity within a career pathway

4. Conduct observations of the client, individualized career planning activities, appropriate assessments, and community-based and Progressive Employment activities, if relevant; or proceed with exploration activities for Pre-Employment Transition Services eligible students

*For Pre-Employment Transition Services eligible students with a disability with no VR application, exploration must be within one of the five areas of approved services and cannot include assessment:

(1) job exploration counseling;

(2) work-based learning experiences;

(3) counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or post-secondary educational programs at institutions of higher education;

(4) workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living; and,

(5) instruction in self-advocacy, which may include peer mentoring

5. Analyze and review results with client

  • Consider Labor Market Information
  • Arrive at short-term and long-term activities or next steps which may lead to potential job goal and/or recommendation

6. Document Team Services for Career Planning and Vocational Evaluation (PreETS students with a disability with a VR application) or any of the five approved pre-employment transition services was completed

7. Create Vocational Evaluation Report and review results

  • Complete report within 10 calendar days after evaluation work has been completed. If expected timeline is not adequate, document reason in task note
  • If previous evaluation was completed, download and attach pdf of existing report prior to creating a new report
  • Scan and upload attachments
  • Invite and staff results with all members of the client's team when possible, including referring VR specialist, student/client, authorized representative (if applicable), and school staff.
  • Provide copy of finalized report to student with a disability/client and authorized representative, DD service coordinator, service provider, and teacher/school (all if applicable and on Release of Information)



Approved Date
April 08, 2022 Show this Archived Version
February 12, 2021 Show this Archived Version
December 20, 2019 Show this Archived Version
October 02, 2018 Show this Archived Version
March 22, 2018 Show this Archived Version

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