Where your future begins

Purchasing Instructions

Categorized In: Operations - QE2 Purchasing

Approved Date: October 02, 2018

Owner: Cathy Callaway

Kind of Purchase Instructions
Direct Purchase (Field Offices) 1.Complete a Direct Purchase Authorization (DPA) form. Provider ABN must be included on the DPA to ensure provider is in NIS.
2. Number the DPA as follows: #D04-(office abbreviation)-##
The first number represents the fiscal year, so it will change each July 1. For example, for FY14 (which began July 1, 2013) the Kearney office would use
4D04-KEAR-03 (and so on)
On July 1, 2014 (FY15) the Kearney office would start over with:

3.Print DPA and obtain Office Director signature.
4.Place order.
5.When order is received, sign DPA verifying goods were received.
6.When invoice is received, obtain Office Director signature on invoice and send signed DPA and invoice to the State Office for payment.
NIS Purchases For purchases over $2,000 or items required in NIS:
IT/Computer Purchases 1.Contact Tibor Moldovan.
2.IT staff will send the details regarding the purchase in an email to State Office fiscal staff, including where items need to be delivered.
3.State Office fiscal staff completes a purchase order in NIS, obtains IT staff or Director’s signature, and sends signed DPA to IT Staff to place order.
4.When invoice is received, IT staff sign the invoice verifying the goods were received and gives invoice and packing slip to State Office fiscal staff to pay.
Furniture 1.All requests for furniture should be sent via email from the Office Director to Cathy Callaway.
2.Once approved by Director, State Office fiscal staff will complete the purchase order in NIS.
3.The invoice should be signed by the Office Director and forwarded to the State Office fiscal staff for payment.
Ergonomic Orders 1.If items require NIS approval, State Office will create the NIS purchase order and send to the field office to place the order.
2.If items do not require NIS approval, State Office will notify field office to create the DPA and order.
3.Items will be delivered to the local office.
4.The invoice should be signed by the Office Director and forwarded to the State Office fiscal staff with the signed DPA for payment.
Orders over $2,000 1.An email with vendor name, items needed, amount, quantity, etc. should be sent from the Office Director to the State Office.
2.State Office will enter in NIS and return NIS PO to field office to place order.

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