Categorized In: Operations - NIS Information
Approved Date: October 02, 2018
Owner: Cathy Callaway
To find payments in NIS to a particular provider or consumer.
To find a voucher in NIS you need the ABN of the provider or the consumer. In QE2, ABN’s for providers and consumers can be found in the banner of their record.
- State of Nebraska
- Payables
- Voucher Processing
- Voucher Entry
- If the amount shows up in both the Gross Amount column and the Open Amount column, payment has not yet been made.
- If the Open Amount column is blank, payment has been made. Go to Payment Inquiry to get the Warrant number and date payment was made.
- Check the box to the left of the payment line and click Select
- The G/L date in the header is the date the payment was entered into NIS
- The due date on the detail line is the date the check will be issued (if the due date is in the past, the check will be issued as soon as it posts)