Where your future begins

Client Contribution

Categorized In: Case Services - General Client Services Policies

Approved Date: June 26, 2023

Owner: Angela Fujan



Client contribution is any amount of money the client pays towards the cost of the agreed upon good or service. 


The client is an equal partner in determining the range of services needed to achieve the Individualized Plan for Employment goal. 

VR staff are responsible to ensure all rules and regulations are followed and assist the client in making informed choices regarding services, providers, and procurement method. 

SSI/SSDI Recipients- are exempt from contribution to the cost of IPE goods or services unless the amount exceeds the least cost option. If the client does not choose the lease cost option, they are responsible for the increased cost. EXCEPTION: After a search for comparable services and existing benefits, VR will grant an exception to the fee schedule for the remaining cost of the good or services.

Non-SSI/SSDI Recipients- Clients will not be asked to contribute to the cost of IPE goods or services unless the cost exceeds Rule 72 (cost containment guidelines), or they are choosing a more costly option. If the client does not choose the least cost option, the client is responsible for the increased cost. EXCEPTION to Rule 72 may be considered, after an exploration of comparable services and benefits, loans, and client contribution. If there is no alternative to addressing the needed good or service, VR may make an exception and fund the remaining amount. 

For further information see Program Manual Exceptions and Approvals


There are two options when the client contributes:

  1. Client pays provider directly - after determining the amount the client will contribute, VR authorizes for the balance. The client pays the provider directly, and the provider bills VR for the remaining balance.
  2. VR pays full amount to provider - VR authorizes for the entire amount and makes payment in full to the provider. Client sends their contribution to VR as a refund against the payment. See Refund Policy for how to process. The local office is to proceed with authorizing the full amount of the purchase to the vendor and is not to wait for confirmation that the contribution was received. 

The client is responsible for preparing and mailing his/her check, money order, or any other financial instrument made payable to Nebraska VR. Instruct the consumer that cash should never be mailed. Under no circumstances are VR staff to accept from the client cash, check or other financial instrument. The local office should provide the client with a stamped envelope, pre-addressed to the State Office, Attention: VR Fiscal Department. 

Approved Date
January 21, 2022 Show this Archived Version

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