Where your future begins

Common Performance Measures

Categorized In: Case Services - General Client Services Policies

Approved Date: September 17, 2021

Owner: Cathy Callaway

WIOA includes the following six common performance accountability measures that apply to the WIOA core programs, which includes Nebraska VR. Data for performance measures #1, #2, #3, and #6 is received from other WIOA core partners. VR staff are responsible for updating data for performance measures #4 (Credential Attainment (CA)) and #5 (Measurable Skill Gain (MSG)) in QE2 each quarter.

  1. Percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the 2nd quarter after program exit;
  2. Percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the 4th quarter after program exit;
  3. The median earnings of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program;
  4. Percentage of participants in a postsecondary education or training program and received a credential/certificate during the program or within one year after exit or received a diploma or equivalent from a secondary education program while in program or within one year of exit AND who were employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit;
  5. Percentage of participants, who during a program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving measurable skill gains toward such a credential or employment;
  6. Effectiveness in serving employers.



  • Performance measures are reported only on “Participants”, which are clients who have an approved IPE and are in receipt of VR services.
  • All participants MUST be reported on each quarterly RSA-911 submission, regardless of whether or not any information in their service record has changed (no update). 



Clients are auto-enrolled in a Measurable Skill Gain (MSG) or Credential Attainment (CA) if:

At the time of IPE approval –   

  1. Client School record exists, and expected grad date has not passed;
  2. Current enrollment(s) exist on the IPE Data screen; or
  3. Training service(s) (identified below) exist on the IPE

After IPE – Any time a QE2 Training Service(s) is added to the IPE

Enrollment in MSG or CA is noted on the Case Home screen by M (Measurable Skill Gain) or C (Credential Attainment) next to service on the Plan.



  • CA’S and MSG’s are reported quarterly, by Program Year (PY) (July 1 – June 30) on the RSA-911;
  • CA’s and MSG’s are to be reported in the quarter achieved, when possible, or as soon as the supporting documentation is received, if in a subsequent quarter; supporting documentation must be received and reported in QE2 during the same PY in order for VR to receive credit for the CA and/or MSG;
  • Supporting documentation for each MSG and CA must be maintained in the case file;
  • The CA/MSG cannot be recorded in QE2 or reported to RSA without supporting documentation;
  • Once a program year has ended, and the final RSA-911 report submitted, CA’s and MSG’s that did not get documented in the previous PY can no longer be reported.



Enrollment: Client is in an education or training program, that will result in an industry recognized degree, license or certificate

       RSA-911           QE2 Training

    Category              Service(s)                                                                                                         

  • 81                    High School
  • 82                    GED
  • 87-90               4-Year College, Graduate College
  • 93                    Occupational/Vocational Training (excluding VR Certificate Programs)
  • 95                    Apprenticeship Program, Other Classes, Skill Building, Technical Training

If a client is enrolled in more than one QE2 Training Service per RSA-911 category, either can be documented, but only one credential attainment can be reported per category, per quarter.

ReportingRecord when the client receives (attains) a degree, license or certificate.

Credential attainment does include –

  • High school diploma
  • GED certificate
  • Post-secondary degree
  • License or certificate (industry recognized)

Credential attainment does not include the following because they do not result in an industry recognizedcredential –

  • General skills certificates like computer (e.g. Excel, Word, etc.), safety, hygiene, work readiness, food handlers, CPR, first aid, etc.
  • Work readiness training
  • Special Education certificate of completion
  • On-the-Job Training
  • VR Certificate Programs

Supporting Documentation (CA):

  • Copy of credential/diploma
  • Copy of license
  • Copy of certificate


Enrollment: Client is in an education or training program, that leads to a secondary or postsecondary credential or employment. NOTE: Education Program for Pre-ETS purposes is not applicable

RSA-911           QE2 Training

Category          Service(s)                                                                                             

  • 344                  High School
  • 345                  4-Year College, Graduate College
  • 346                  OJT, Apprenticeship Programs
  • 347                  Customized Training, Occupational/Vocational Training (includes VR Certificate Programs), Skill Building, Technical Training

If a client is enrolled in more than one QE2 training service per RSA-911 category, either can be documented, but only one measurable skill gain can be reported per category, per quarter.

Reporting – Record when the client makes documented progress toward a credential or employment

Measurable Skill Gain does include –

  • Report card
  • Transcript
  • Progress report
  • Employer evaluation
  • Exam results
  • Copy of credential

Measurable Skill Gain does NOT include the following because the progress is not resulting in a credential or employment –

  • Test demonstrating skills (e.g. using public transportation, office skills, etc.)
  • Certificate/Diploma of completion or attendance
  • Special Education certificate of completion
  • Skills attained through pre-employment transition services
  • GED

Supporting Documentation (MSG):

  • Transcript
  • Report Card 
  • Progress Report 
  • Evaluation
  • Exam results 
  • Progress Report 
  • Evaluation


VR staff are responsible for updating each MSG or CA a client is enrolled in every quarter, including high school graduation dates.

Notices –

  • If a client is enrolled in a MSG or CA, a Notice will be auto-generated by QE2 on the client case record each quarter. 
  • The MSG and/or CA screen(s) in QE2 must be updated quarterly by 1) entering the date attained/progress date and supporting documentation, 2) indicating No Update; or 3) selecting Dropped Out.

To Do Report  – 

MSG’s and CA’s have been added to the To Do report in QE2 so staff can track cases that require a quarterly update

Program Year Summary –

A summary of the MSG’s and CA’s attained by a client during the program year displays at the top of the MSG and CA screens in QE2.

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