Where your future begins

Case Transfers & Serving Clients in Other Offices

Categorized In: Case Services - General Case Management Policies

Approved Date: October 02, 2018

Owner: Angela Fujan

Clients will be advised of the possibility of case transfer and services available from other offices. Case transfer is appropriate when:

  • the client has relocated or is considering relocation.
  • the client's primary location for employment is in another team’s service area and the client require intensive one-on-one services such as:
    • Individual placement assistance
    • Direct Advocacy
    • OJE/OJT
    • Job Coaching

Transferring Open Cases

  1. Discuss transfer with client.
  2. Inform the office director.
  3. Office director contacts the office director of the receiving team.
  4. Receiving team's office director identifies the specialist who will receive the transfer.
  5. Specialist from the sending team contacts the receiving team specialist to provide case information.
  6. When possible, the transferring specialist and client should video iChat or video conference with the receiving specialist to introduce the client and reduce his/her anxiety. If video iChat or video conference is not feasible, a 3-way phone conversation could be done.
  7. Client will meet with staff in the receiving office.
  8. After the client has met with the receiving staff send the case file to receiving specialist and complete QE2 transfer.

Transferring Closed Cases

If a client contacts an office for services and his/her case is closed anyone on the team can contact the original office to request case transfer. The electronic file and the paper file must be transferred together.

Service Provision Without Transfer

Service provision by VR staff from other offices is appropriate when:

  • the client is seeking employment in other office locations, case transfer is not appropriate and the client does not need intensive one-on-one services; or
  • the client is attending post secondary training in other office's location and requests services from that office even though he/she intends to return to his/her original office location after training.

The client will be permitted to access the following services at any VR office:

  • Job seeker meetings
  • Job seeking skills workshops
  • Job search agreement form development
  • Job leads

Serving Clients In Other Offices

  1. Contact appropriate staff from the office where services are being requested.
  2. Determine what the client needs to do to obtain the service.
  3. Inform client on how to obtain the service.
  4. When possible, the transferring specialist and client should video Ichat with the receiving specialist to introduce the client and reduce their anxiety. If video iChat is not feasible, a 3-way phone conversation could be done.
  5. Add the staff who will work with the client as a service provider in QE2.
  6. Staff from both offices must maintain contact while working with the client.

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