Where your future begins


Categorized In: Case Services - Planned Services

Approved Date: April 08, 2022

Owner: Angela Fujan

Vocational rehabilitation counseling is required to assist individuals in gathering information to make informed decisions, throughout the life of the case. These are services delivered as a part of career planning, as well as, part of an approved Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) and should be specifically included, as VR Counseling and Guidance on the IPE. 

Counseling services:

  • Identify specific issues interfering with achievement of employment goals
  • Usually brief - no more than a few weeks
  • Require active participation by counselor

Counseling activities assist an individual to:

  • Participate in services and achieve an employment outcome
  • Identifying specific issue and how to deal with it
  • Learn how to manage crises, make good decisions, and solve problems
  • Cope with situational stresses related to the disability, family issues, solving problems, and working
  • Make sound, informed career and service decisions
  • Understand vocational and impairment related issues and how they may affect work and daily life: 
    • medical condition
    • side effects of medications
    • typical functional limitations that might affect work or life
    • strengths the individual possesses
    • realistic work goals
    • Assistive technology or accommodations that might be helpful

The scope of counseling practiced by Vocational Rehabilitation does not include:

  • Long-term individual counseling and psychotherapy of depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, borderline personality, and other mental disorders
  • Intensive therapy for problems of chemical dependency, weight control, control of smoking, suicidal tendencies, abusive situations, sexual dysfunction, or marriage and family relationships. Persons with these issues should be referred to local community mental health centers, drug and alcohol treatment programs, or other appropriate individuals and agencies.


  1. Determine needed vocational counseling services during the exploration and career planning process by identifying issues that have caused or may cause the individual difficulties obtaining, maintaining or advancing in employment that may be resolved through VR Counseling and Guidance.
  2. Vocational rehabilitation counseling is required to assist individuals in gathering information to make informed decisions, throughout the life of the case and should be specifically included as VR Counseling and Guidance on the IPE. 
  3. Provide the needed services as described in the IPE.
  4. Document Team Service of VR Counseling and Guidance each time it occurs, including how counseling was included in the progress of the case and the next action.This specifically would include how the individual was provided informed choice. What factors were considered in determining the decision?

Approved Date
October 02, 2018 Show this Archived Version

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