Where your future begins

Client Accountability Policy

Status: Archived

Approved Date: May 01, 2017

  1. At the time of IPE signature, VR staff are responsible for reviewing the Financial Accountability statement on the IPE regarding the expectations for the appropriate use of funds throughout the duration of the plan, and the consequences for misusing funds.
  2. At time of authorization, VR staff are responsible for giving to and reviewing with the consumer:
    • the Service Authorization identifying the services, goods or supports allowed to be purchased with the cash advance or service authorization;
    • the Consumer Authorization Instructions, Download file "AuthInstructions.pdf"including the proof of purchase documentation requirements.
    • Both the Service Authorization and the Consumer Authorization Instructions must be given to or mailed to the consumer.
  3. Obtain verification/documentation as required per the Case Service Procurement Policy for any purchase. Documentation is of the purchase, not the price.
  4. In the event there is a misuse of funds as identified in the policy:
    • When the specialist reviews the use of funds and determines that although the purchase wasn’t what was authorized but was appropriate for the vocational goal, it is discussed with client and documented in a task note.
    • If the use of funds was not what was authorized for and not appropriate for the vocational goal, the specialist and the consumer jointly develop a Corrective Action Plan to include a plan for the repayment of funds.
      • No additional cash advances will be allowed while the consumer is under a Corrective Action Plan. Only direct authorizations to a provider or a reimbursement to the consumer can be used at this time.
      • Services will continue as long as the consumer continues to follow the corrective action plan.
    • If the consumer is unwilling to develop a Corrective Action Plan or does not follow the Corrective Action Plan developed, contact Cathy Callaway at the State Office to determine if further legal action is required.
  5. All Corrective Action Plans will be submitted to Cathy Callaway.
    • State Office staff will identify the consumer in QUEST as being under a Corrective Action Plan.
    • The designation in QUEST will prohibit future cash advance payments until the plan has been completed.
    • Field Offices are responsible for monitoring the Corrective Action Plans to ensure compliance.

Vocational Rehabilitation has a responsibility to ensure that state and federal funds used for case services are spent appropriately and as identified on the rehabilitation plan. This policy identifies steps for holding consumers accountable for the appropriate use of funds provided to them via cash advance or authorization.

Vocational Rehabilitation staff are responsible for informing consumers of the policies surrounding the use of cash advances and vendor authorizations for purchases of goods and services.

Consumers must be held accountable for using the cash advance and/or vendor authorizations to purchase what is authorized and agreed upon in their rehabilitation plan.

Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists are responsible for informing the consumer of the consequences of misusing funds. The misuse of funds occurs when a consumer:

  • will not provide documentation, as defined in the Case Service Procurement Policy, verifying what was purchased;
  • uses a cash advance for something other than what was authorized; or
  • purchases something from a vendor other than what was authorized.

Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists are responsible for verifying/documenting the purchase of the goods and/or services authorized based on the requirements in the Case Service Procurement Policy.

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