Where your future begins


Status: Archived

Approved Date: August 21, 2023


Does What?

VRIS Trainer

1. Creates the VRIS training event on Outlook Calendar.

2. Invites vr.allstaff@nebraska.gov, videoconference equipment/rooms, meeting & training calendar, vr.recording@nebraska.gov, and video conference scheduler.

• Verifies all the videoconference rooms and equipment “accepts” the training.


VR IT Staff (Laura Stueck, Chad Miles or Tibor Moldovan)


3. Creates the VRIS training event on TMS.

4. Sets the VRIS training event to record.


5. Accepts VRIS training event on their calendar.

6. (VR staff who remote-in for the event) Contacts IT staff for conference code.


VRIS Trainer

7. Trains staff.

• Mentions the VR Participation List is not needed.

• Mentions the VRIS Update will be recorded.

VR IT Staff

8. Extracts the recording from the Content Server.

9. Posts VRIS training to YouTube.

10. Posts VRIS Training link on VRIS.

11. Emails vr.allstaff@nebraska.gov and atp.allstaff@nebraska.gov when the training is posted on VRIS.


Staff Who Do Not Attend Training


12. Follows-up with their supervisor or watches the recording.




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