Where your future begins

Client Participation in the Cost of Services

Status: Archived

Approved Date: October 02, 2018

  1. Prior to expending VR funds on any service staff should have a conversation about:
    • the cost of the service and how it will be funded. The discussion should be done as part of plan development as planned services are determined. Staff should ask the individual what portion of the cost they could pay; and
    • any possible comparable services that could fund part or all of the service.
  2. Document in the task notes any discussion of client contribution or comparable benefits and the amount of contribution/benefits to be used.

Participation in Cost

Individuals will not be asked to participate in the cost of:

  • any service necessary for determining their eligibility for the program; or
  • the post secondary training allowance described in the chapter on post secondary training.

All individuals will be asked if they are willing and able to participate prior to authorizing VR funds for any other service.

Participating in the cost of services is voluntary. Participation by the individual can lead to increased ownership by the client in his/her rehabilitation plan. It also results in savings in VR funds allowing more individuals with disabilities to be served.

Under no circumstances are VR local staff to accept from the client any cash, check or other financial instrument. Instead, a local office staff member is to provide the client with a stamped envelope, pre-addressed to the State Office (Attn: Cathy Callaway). The client is responsible for preparing and mailing his/her check, money order,or any other financial instrument made payable to NE Vocational Rehabilitation. Instruct the consumer that cash should never be mailed. The local office is to proceed with authorizing the full amount of the purchase to the vendor and is not to wait for confirmation that the contribution was received.

Comparable Benefits

VR staff must seek out and utilize all comparable services and benefits to meet, in whole or part, the costs of required and necessary services. Comparable services and benefits means services and benefits that are provided or paid for, in whole or in part, by other Federal, State, or local public agencies, by health insurance, or by employee benefits. Clients are required to apply for and use comparable benefits.


  • The benefit must be available to the individual at the time needed to ensure the progress of the individual toward achieving the employment outcome in the individual’s individualized plan for employment. If the benefit is not available when needed use of the benefit is not required;
  • Comparable benefits do not include awards and scholarships based on merit; and
  • An SSA approved Plan for Achieving Self Support (PASS) does not constitute a comparable benefit or service. A PASS is a Social Security work incentive that allows an SSI recipient to set aside income and/or resources for a specified time in order to achieve an employment goal. While funds from a PASS cannot be considered a comparable benefit, PASS resources can compliment VR services, particularly to cover additional costs of services, such as home and vehicle modifications, post secondary training, and self employment. The development and submittal of a PASS should be encouraged but the choice to do so is the recipient’s decision and is strictly voluntary. The recipient’s decision to not pursue a PASS will have no impact on VR funding for appropriate and necessary goods and services.
Attachment: Purchase_of_goods_and_services_12_.pdf
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