1. Initiates a Job Planning Discussion with the client that addresses the following areas.
- Impairment/restrictions relating to their current situation and obtaining employment.
- Interest, values, and work preferences
- Job readiness factors
- Past training
- Job skills and work experience
- Support network
- The information needed for an effective Job Planning Discussion can be obtained in one of the following ways.
- Utilizes Step 1 of the Discovery Booklet
- Completes the Career Planning Preferences Form with the client and review work history.
- Discusses with client his/her disability/restrictions, interest, values, transportation, priorities, location they want to work, education, work history, family and support network.
- For individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability, the VR Profile for Supported or Customized Employment document is meant to be the most comprehensive planning tool used to work towards an IPE. The Career Planning Preferences form (booklet exception) shall then be used to gather information required to set up the QE2 case.
2. Enters information from client’s self-exploration into QE2 Data Entry Screen.
3. Assists client in determining his/her job goal.
- Discusses with client if he/she has a job goal(s) and how the goal relates to the self-exploration completed. If job goal is appropriate write Individual Plan for Employment with client.
- Explores with a client who does not have a job goal in mind, or needs further career exploration to solidify an appropriate job goal.
- Reviews with the client the list of Career Exploration activities in Step 2 of booklet so the client can decide which activities will assist in selecting a job goal.
- Discusses the activities the VR Specialist and client may find helpful in arriving at a job goal. Career exploration can be completed through the following activities and are not exclusive of each other and may occur simultaneously.
- Rapid Engagement - Activities are available for clients who have identified an interest area and needs further exploration. The following rapid engagement activities are completed in a competitive work setting. One or more activities can be completed with a client.
- Assessment Services
- Job shadowing
- Volunteering
- Individual and group tours
- Employer mock interviews
- Paid and unpaid on-the-job evaluations (OJE) after eligibility and priority group has been assigned.
- Planning Service
- On-the-job training (OJT)
- Discovery Phase - Individuals may be referred to the discovery phase when they do not have career interests or they need to refine their interests. The following are reasons an individual may be referred to the discovery phase.
- Client is ambivalent on job interests.
- Client wants to pursue post-secondary training and there is no data from school records, psychological reports that would support or not support post-secondary training.
- VR counselor does not feel the client is well matched or well prepared for an employment site and may cause an interruption in an employer's day-to-day activities. It may be best to assess their soft skills prior to providing services through rapid engagement.
- Client is uncertain of their current skills and abilities in their occupation of interest and an in-house assessment can identify their skills and abilities in an area. A good example of this would be clerical where a client's skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, keyboarding skills, etc. can be assessed prior to a referral to placement or rapid engagement.
4. Reviews work related issues that may affect the client getting or keeping the vocational goal he/she is interested in pursuing. Factors to be addressed are disability, financial, daily living, work history, job seeking and job keeping.
5. Identifies, in one of the following ways, resources the client is receiving or may need to support the IPE.
- Utilizes Step 3 of the Discovery Booklet.
- Discusses any resources the client is currently receiving or may need to receive to successfully obtain and maintain employment.
6. Determines with the client the services and supports that will be needed to successfully complete the IPE.
7. Writes the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE).