Where your future begins

Post Secondary as an Assessment Service

Status: Archived

Approved Date: June 26, 2018

  1. Mutually agree to the:
    • need for post secondary classes as an assessment, the function(s) to be assessed, the method(s) of collecting the assessment data and the assessment results criteria; the
    • assessment site, number of credit hours, the course selection (type of courses, class schedule, time of day); any
    • necessary assessment supports; and the
    • options for how the assessment will be funded. 
  2. Document assessment agreement details in a Task Note titled: Post Secondary Assessment Service.
  3. Obtain Office Director approval. (O. D. documents approval/denial in Task Note titled: O.D. Approval.)
  4. If O.D. approves, obtain course registration, send a signed Student Financial Aid Report to the school, and ensure that the student has filed a FAFSA for the current financial aid year and for the subsequent financial aid year if the assessment term is the last term in the current financial aid year.
  5. Determine which fee schedule will be used (Training Allowance Rate or Miscellaneous skill Training Rate which includes Vocational/Occupational Training).
  6. Consider the SFAR information if the school has returned the form prior to the Case Service Authorization being issued.
  7. Enter Assessment Service data in QE2 and complete Case Service Authorization.
  8. Notify the student of the amount VR is initially funding Send Case Service Authorization to the school’s Business Office.
  9. Send completed SFAR to the school’s financial aid office.
  10. Monitor assessment
  11. If the school awards gift aid for the assessment term after the initial authorization,
    • send written notification to the school’s Business Office of any adjustment to the original authorization, and
    • send written notification to the financial aid office of any adjustment to the VR assistance amount.
  12. Collect assessment data
  13. Synthesize assessment data
  14. Discuss results with individual and determine next action.


The assessment is limited to one term not to exceed 12 credit hours.

The authorization for post secondary classes as an assessment must have the school and, in some cases, the bookstore as the provider.

This service cannot be provided if there is a current approved IPE with post secondary training as a planned service.

Unacceptable use of Post Secondary Classes as an Assessment:

To circumvent the financial aid process.

To further support a decision of inappropriateness or non-feasibility of post secondary training already supported by current information and documentation.


Must file a FAFSA and apply for financial aid at the school to be attended prior to the start of the assessment. This requirement is to insure that if post-secondary training is provided following the assessment that a timely application for financial aid has been made. Be sure to explain the difference in VR funding between post secondary and Miscellaneous Skill Training (Ocupational/vocational Training) to the client.

Student Financial Aid Report (SFAR) must be signed by the student and sent to the school’s financial aid office prior to the start of the assessment. A finalized SFAR is not required to authorize for the start of the assessment. If the school awards gift aid after the initial authorization and the gift aid is available to the student during the assessment term, VR will need to change the authorized amount based on the revised financial aid information. VR shall notify the financial aid office via the SFAR of the amount of VR assistance being provided initially and upon any revision.

For non-Nebraska tax supported schools only the VR Training Allowance Rate can be used.

For Nebraska tax supported schools;

  • The VR Training Allowance rate is to be used if the student qualifies for and accepts during the assessment term grant aid awarded by the school .
  • The Miscellaneous Training Rate is used if the student does not qualify for or accept grant aid during the assessment term, or no financial aid determination was made prior to the start of the assessment term.
  • If the combination of the VR Training Allowance Rate and any grant aid awarded by the school is less than the amount that would have been authorized under the Miscellaneous Training Rate, an adjustment should be made to the VR Training Rate to cover the actual cost of tuition, required fees, books and required supplies.


Office Director must approve the use of post secondary classes as an assessment service and document approval in a Task Note.

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