Where your future begins

Post Employment Services

Status: Archived

Approved Date: May 21, 2019

  • Assess the need for services following a successful employment outcome.
    • Maintaining job at outcome - same job 
    • Regaining employment - within the same SOC code 
    • Career advancement - within the same Career Pathway 
  • Determine appropriateness of post-employment services
    • Service(s) readily available
    • Easy to arrange
    • Routine
    • Limited in scope and duration 
    • can be provided and completed within 12 months of the successful outcome date
  • Determine if a new employment case should be opened.
    • ​​​​Service(s) difficult to locate or arrange
    • Requires significant staff time
    • Service cannot reasonably be expected to be provided and completed within the allotted timeframe (12-month from successful closure date)
    • Or...
  • Determine that neither post-employment services nor a new employment program case is appropriate.
    • Provide full consultation to the client of this determination
    • Review Client Appeal Rights, Procedures
  • For Post-Employment cases:
    • Service(s) and authorization(s) are limited in scope and duration
    • IPE Amendment is required to be completed with the job goal, services with required signatures for all post-employment cases.
    • Add the IPE information into QE2. 
    • Eligibility for post-employment services remains until 12-months past the original successful closure date, regardless of when the individual returns for services. 

Post-Employment services can be provided subsequent to the successful employment outcome if necessary for an individual to: maintain, regain, or advance in employment and must be completed within 12 months of the successful employment outcome date.

Post Employment Services are:

  • Limited in scope and duration 
  • Service(s) are readily available
  • Easy to arrange
  • Routine
  • can be provided and completed within 12 months of the successful outcome date

Example: If the applicant comes in 5 months after their case was successfully closed, only 7 months remain for Post-Employment services. Once the 12 month time frame has expired, Post Employment services are no longer available. There are no extensions or exceptions to this rule. 

Assess the employment objective and need for services following a successful employment outcome. Determine the complexity of service needs, if there is time to complete the service(s) or if a new case needs opened.  

  • Maintaining job at outcome - same job 
  • Regaining employment - within the same SOC code 
  • Career advancement - within the same Career Pathway 

Maintaining Job at Outcome:

If a client requests assistance in keeping the same job held at the time of successful employment outcome, assess the reason and the service(s) needed to maintain the job.

  • What is the client’s concern about his/her about job?
  • What services, supports or accommodations is the applicant requesting? Are they simple or complex?
  • Can the request for a personal device (standing wheelchair) be accomplished with a simple worksite accommodation (desktop printer)?
  • Is this a worksite modification (reasonable accommodation) that needs to include the employer, as it is the employer's primary responsibility for changes to the worksite? 
  • Did others, such as community providers, fulfill their responsibilities (comparable services and benefits)? Can they meet the individual's needs?
  • What do you feel is needed to address the concern? Can it be accomplished within the allotted time frame?

Regain Employment:

If client requests assistance to get a job after a successful employment outcome,  assess the situation. Services are limited to seeking employment within the same SOC code to utilize the individual's work history and find employment in a timely manner. Job Placement services can often be complex and take an extended peroid of time to complete. Determine if this request can reasonably be expected to be completed within the allotted timeframe.  

Assess if the case meets the Post Employment criteria or if a new case needs opened. 

  • What prevents the client from seeking employment on their own or working with a community resource? 
  • What services is the client requesting? Are these simple or complex?
  • Consider supporting factors such as benefits, transportation, daycare, etc. in determining the complexity of the situation.
  • What do you feel is needed to address the concern? Can it be accomplished within the allotted time frame?

Career Advancement:

If client requests assistance in advancing, assess the need for and service(s) required to advance. The advancement needs to be within the same Career Pathway and should be expected to result in greater pay, more work hours, a promotion, and/or benefits within the remaining 12 month timeframe. VR Specialist should consider other agencies who may assist in advancing the individual. If clients have a successfully closed case in a career pathway/cluster of Architecture and Construction, Healthcare, Information Technology, Manufacturing, or Transportation, Distribution and Manufacturing (TDL) a referral should be made to CPAP to determine if the client would benefit from CPAP advancement services. 

Assess if the case meets the Post Employment criteria or if a new case needs opened. 

  • What does the client need to advance in employment?
  • What assistance if any is available from the employer? 
  • What prevents the client from arranging and obtaining that service on their own?
  • Does the individual have the skills and abilities required to seek advance in the restricted time frame?
  • Is the situation more complex than presented?


If not appropriate for Post-Employment, as service(s) are complex and comprehensive:

Services that are substantial, require significant staff time, are longer in duration, difficult to locate, or challenging to arrange or provide are to be provided through a new employment program case. Open a new case and proceed with next steps, if appropriate. (Refer to Initial Meeting chapter for further guidance).


If not appropriate for either Post-Employment or as a new employment program case:

Provide full consultation to the individual as to why the service(s) are not appropriate and follow the process in the Client Appeal Rights, Procedures chapter.


If appropriate for Post-Employment:

Ensure the case meets the post-employment criteria and complete the IPE Amendment:

  • All service(s) and authorization(s) should be limited in duration and completed within 12 months of the original successful closure.
  • All post employment cases require the completion of a mutually agreed upon IPE Amendment form with the job goal, service(s) and required signatures.
  • Provide the client with a copy of the IPE Amendment and "IPE – Important for You" attachment (rights, responsibilities, fiscal information, Client Assistance Program and mediation.
  • Enter the IPE information into QE2.

At the completion of Post-Employment Services.

  • Complete a TASK entry summarizing services provided and outcome.
  • If client advanced or secured a new job, enter the updated employment information in the QE2 work history.
  • The case will remain in post-employment until the entire 12-month timeframe is complete.

Post-Employment services are limited in scope and duration and are provided within 12 months of the successful employment outcome if necessary for an individual to maintain, regain, or advance in employment. Once the 12-month time frame has expired, post employment services are no longer available. There are no extensions or exceptions to this rule. 

Post Employment Services are limited to those services that are:

  • readily available,
  • easy to arrange
  • routine, and
  • limited in scope and duration
  • can be provided and completed within 12-month of the successful closure date

All post-employment service require completing an IPE Amendment form with the required signatures and entering the data in the QE2 case service record, regardless of the situation.

Assess the employment objective and need for services following a successful employment outcome.

  • Maintaining job at outcome - same job 
  • Regaining employment - within the same SOC code 
  • Career advancement - within the same Career Pathway 

Determine the complexity of service needs AND if there is time to complete the service(s) or if a new case needs opened.  ​​​​​

Services that are substantial, require significant staff time, are longer in duration, difficult to locate, or challenging to arrange or provide are to be provided through a new employment program case.

All rules surrounding writing of an IPE apply. 

Qe2 screenshots for assistance:






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