Where your future begins

Hotel Reservations, Making

Status: Archived

Approved Date: December 06, 2018


Does What?

Staff Member

1.   Searches in QE2 for hotels by:

a. Clicks Main Menu/Providers
b. Enters name of City
c. Chooses Service Category/Service:
    • Assessment support-Lodging & Per Diem
    • Maintenance-Lodging & Per Diem
d. Clicks “Find”
e. Clicks on name of hotel
f. If a hotel is not in QE2, contacts the Executive Office Assistant, cinda.wacker@nebraska.gov, to set up a new hotel in QE2 and E1.

2.   Calls hotel with:

a. Reserves room with staff member’s name and phone number
b. Reserves with dates of hotel stay
c. Asks for the state hotel rate which is set by the General Services Administration, https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates: Douglas County, all other Nebraska locations.
d. Mentions the State of Nebraska is tax exempt which means the State of Nebraska pays no sales taxes on Nebraska hotel rooms
e. Asks for direct bill to Nebraska Department of Education
(NOTE: Direct bills should be set up with an address of 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, 68509 or PO Box 94987, Lincoln 68509; however, the name of the direct bill may be under various names, i.e., Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Education, State Department of Education, Education, etc.)
f. If the hotel is not set up for direct bill, contacts the Executive Office Assistant, cinda.wacker@nebraska.gov, to set up direct bill.
g. Receives a reservation number from the reservationist
h. Asks when the reservation can be cancelled without a room charge

NOTE: Per Administrative Memorandum #205:
Lodging (60 miles) — “Lodging will not be paid, or reimbursed, unless a person is more than 60 miles from his or her workplace. Lodging for distances less than 60 miles may be approved by a Team Leader (VR Director) for extraordinary reasons…”
Direct Billing of Lodging/Parking (No Shows)
— “. . . No-shows will be forwarded to the appropriate Deputy Commissioner.  If you do not show you may be responsible for reimbursing the Department.”

NOTE: When making reservations, the hotel may ask for a personal credit card for incidentials. Remind the hotel the room is direct billed. If, at check-in, the hotel asks for a personal credit card for incidentals, provide the personal credit card.

3.   Enters the following in Outlook calendar:

a. Name/city of hotel
b. Reservation number



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