Where your future begins

Task Note Guidelines

Status: Archived

Approved Date: February 13, 2019


Nebraska VR is committed to promoting each client’s satisfaction and engagement in his or her rehabilitation plan and services. Research indicates that one of the reasons for client disengagement from the VR program is how long it takes to move through the system.

By regularly contacting the client at least once every 30 days during the VR process, such contacts keep the client informed of what is transpiring with his or her case, allows his or her questions to be promptly asked and answered, allows for timely self-report on progress and/or issues impacting his or her progress, and promotes the client feeling connected to and supported by the VR program throughout the whole process. On occasion and if agreed upon by the client and counselor, an alternative timeframe can be arranged when necessary but needs to be documented in the file with the agreed upon time for contact. 

Periodically, the client and specialist should mutually agree upon what type of contact is to be made by considering the client’s current milestone, activity and circumstance. A documented monthly contact may be any one of the following.

  • Face to face
  • Phone
  • iChat, FaceTime, etc.
  • Text
  • Email
  • Letter
  • MyVR

The standard of what is an effective contact is one that accomplishes or addresses any presenting activity/task, purpose, need, concern or issue of the client or the specialist with a mutually agreed upon next action to keep the case moving. (See attached for specific time lines for services)

Document in a Task Note:

  • Decisions (including discussion and rationale)
  • Progress information
  • Pertinent information (facts to support conclusions/opinions)
  • Next steps

Task Note Requirements by activity:

First contact - referral process - include date, reason for referral, appointment time, any accommodations needed,  others (guardian, parent, agency) to include in the meeting, etc.

QE2 will automatically create a TASK note of previously closed cases. VR staff need to explore and note the reasons for previous unsuccessful termination(s)

  • Actions the previous client has taken to resolve previous issues.
  • Services VR could offer that might help resolve issues and result in successful employment of the individual
  • Conclusion on whether to proceed or not with the case

Summary of Initial Meeting to include the following:​​​​​​

  • Why the individual came to VR
  • Presenting impairment
  • How the impairment causes vocational issues
  • General work history
  • General educational history
  • Family situation
  • Legal situation
  • Other agencies involved
  • Economic situation
  • Impressions
  • Next steps

Client contacts (in person, by phone, email, text or letters)

Unsuccessful attempted client contacts 

No Shows; when a client or staff member does not show for an appointment

Vocational Evaluation Referral; the date the client is referred for a vocational evaluation

Completion of Vocational Evaluation and summary of results

Justification for any CWA, OJE/OJT, WBLE and summarize the goals of the experience

Justification for providing post secondary training as an assessment service

Exception Rationale

Office Director or Program Director Approval or Disapproval

Justification for ALL purchases

Verification that items purchased by ‘cash advance’ were obtained and method of verification

Referral to JSS & Job Placement 

Completion of a Job Search Agreement form

Completion of a 90-Day Review of Job Search Agreement

Completion or Termination of a CWA,WBLE, OJE or OJT summary

Background Screening results

Benefits Services​​​​​​ (See Below Content for Benefits Services)

Case Closure Documentation 

TASK Note content:

  1. Words should be complete. Text language and shorthand are not allowed.
  • Acronyms are allowable if the word is spelled out at least once in the task note. For example, you could use CA after first using Community Alliance (CA).
  • Statewide commonly understood acronyms that are not specific to one office or community are acceptable without spelling out. Examples are VR, ATP, SSDI and SSI.
  1. If using a person’s name, other than the client, include a descriptor so other staff can identify who the person is. An example would be ‘John (client’s father)’.
  2. When an agreement has been made between the Specialist and the client on contact outside of the 30-day contact practice, a task note should be entered to state the agreed upon contact.  Please refer to Supported Employment chapters for guidelines on contact with the Provider and client.
  3. Every entry must have a header. QE2 will have standard headers that can be used for task entries. Staff may create their own header when the standard headers do not fit. Do not use the header to start the narrative. The header is a "title" of the narrative content. Select "Customized Task Title" when the other headers do not apply.
  4. Do not copy whole emails into the task notes. If there is data from an email that you need to document in a task note copy just that part of the email or paraphrase the information. See attached examples.
  • Note: The results of client background checks can be copied into the QE2 task notes or paper record.
  • Copies of any other emails from NDE Legal Counsel should never be copied to the QE2 record or filed in a client's paper case file.
  • Any summary of an email from NDE Legal Counsel shall be limited to any decision noted in the email. The summary should not include any detailed rational or commentary.
  1. Conversations with NDE Legal Council documented in a Task Note should be limited to any decision rendered, direction provided, or requested action. The summary should not include any detailed rational or commentary.
  2. Narratives should be concise and include only pertinent information.
  3. Narratives should be objective and should state facts versus the opinion of staff.  Noting observations/impressions and including the basis/evidence for the impression, while remaining objective is acceptable practice.
  4. Entries should indicate the method of contact or attempted contact - in person, face to face, by phone, e-mail, letter, etc.
  5. Any team member can enter task notes. If making an entry for someone else, identify who originated the information.  
  6. Use professionalism when composing task notes as consumers and others may request a copy of the file, or the file may be entered into evidence in an appeal or legal proceeding.
  7. Existing task entries are not to be altered by staff who did not make the entry.
  8. TASK entries can be deleted by Office Directors and Administrative staff only. TASK notes should not be deleted while there is an active CAP case.

For Voter Registration:  Enter a task note stating the date the Voter Registration form was mailed/submitted to the election commissioner or county clerk and include if at the time of application, annual review or a change of address.

For Benefits Services:

1.  Document that a referral for Benefits services is made to client’s chosen provider. Note type of service—Benefits Orientation, Benefits Assessment, Benefits Planning, Benefits Management, or PASS Development.

2.  Following the completion of any type of Benefits Service, document the outcome of the service in a task note titled to match the service provided (Benefits Orientation, Benefits Assessment, Benefits Planning, PASS development, and Benefits Management.)

  • The Benefits Planning task note must include the following details for use in job placement and as the person continues to work:
    • List of work incentives available to the person and those chosen by the person as part of their strategy to return to work
    • Projected impact of chosen work incentives on benefits
    • Maximum number of hours the client can work and maximum earnings he or she can make in order to implement the outlined plan (work incentives, identification of projected impact on benefits, etc.)
    • Identification of who will be responsible for reporting income and other information, to which entity (SSA, DHHS, HUD, and any other entity applicable), as well as how the information will be reported
    • List of any record-keeping tool to be used by the client or others, any training that is needed, and who will provide the training
  • Other task notes must include sufficient detail to identify the findings of the service provided and any next steps or activities that must be completed, such as reporting or follow-up.
  • If the client refuses Benefits Services a TASK note will need to be completed and titled, "Benefits Service Refusal" and the narrative will include the reason for the refusal along with the refusal form.

30 day client contact.

Attachment: Task_Note_Examples.pdf
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