Where your future begins

PE Survey Instructions (Satisfaction Survey)

Status: Archived

Approved Date: February 26, 2019

Nebraska VR is required to measure client satisfaction in any format they choose. Nebraska VR has chosen the Client Satisfaction Survey to be done by phone. This survey is monitored and reviewed quarterly by the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC). The SRC provides comments and suggestions to the questions and recommendations/suggestions to VR policy and procedures based on the survey results. The survey results are posted on VRIS quarterly.

This survey is completed within 90 days after successful closure and clients are informed of the survey through their closure letter. Clients will appear on PE Survey 60 days after successful closure so it can be completed before 90 days.

This survey contact serves two purposes:

1.  Complete the Client Satisfaction Survey (90 Day Survey).

2.  Identify any problems and/or refer back to VR if immediate job retention or placement services are needed.


Have a note pad available to take notes during the survey so you can make any necessary changes after the survey is completed instead of keeping the client on the phone.

Get Started

Proceed to:

• Case Management

• Login

• Case Services

• PE Survey

• Select the Team you are assigned to; Leave Status on Open

•Click Find

• Click on Name

• Click on Contact Info to expand

• Do not call the client at work.

Successful Closure Employment is the job the client had when the case was closed.

Employment History allows you to make any adjustments if you so choose. This is NOT a requirement.

If the client answers:

      a. May I speak with _______? My name is ______________ with Nebraska VR. If you recall you were told VR would be contacting you to complete a Satisfaction Survey about the services you received. Do you have a few minutes to talk?

  1. Click 90 Day Survey Button and proceed with the survey


  1. To keep track of the number of contact attempts, additional comments or reminders for yourself, use the Contact Attempts Box. Make sure to include dates with your comments and name if appropriate.

Click New Contact Notification (Green button on the top) The prompts will disappear when you start typing.

Types notes in Contact Attempts Box.

Click Save This only saves the comments in the section.

  1. Should any of the below result from the contact send email in the Email Notification Message Box. Email will be sent to the Office Director.

Click New Contact Notification (Green button on the top)

Type email in Email Notification Message Box; The prompts will disappear when you start typing

Click Save

Click Send Email Notification

Job Retention: There is a need for contact by VR specialist to assist the client in dealing with changes in his/her job, home or community situation that threatens continued employment. This includes proposed or pending employer transfers, adding new job responsibilities, changes in work schedule and hours, etc.

Job Placement: The client is interested in VR assistance to find a job after job loss.

Career Advancement: There is a need for services to assist the client to advance in employment. This may include services to capitalize on emerging or potential opportunities for advancement, promotion, or increased hours of work. It may also include services to carry out a previously discussed goal for following a career path and advancement.

A positive or negative comment was expressed by the client about his/her experience with VR. The nature of the comment will determine if VR follow up is necessary. Please make sure any positive or negative comment is also part of the 90 day survey.

e. If you have completed the survey:

Click Complete PE Survey

Click the Date

Click Complete PE Survey (Once you hit Complete, the client is

removed from the your list)

Phone Messages/Attempts/No Contact Letter

  1. This message is for _________. My name is _____________ with Nebraska VR. If you recall you were told VR would be contacting you to complete a Satisfaction Survey about the services you received. Please call me at ___________. It will just take a few minutes. Thank you.
  2. Wait at least 3 days before calling again. If the consumer does not answer after the 2nd try or phone is disconnected, the 3rd contact is by letter.

If the phone is disconnected, feel free to email the specialist with Email Notification Message.

Click New Contact Notification (Green button on the top)

Type email in Email Notification Message Box

Click Save

Click Send Email

Do not remove phone number.

No Contact Letter

• Click English or Spanish No Contact Letter

The letter will include your office toll-free number, local number, and your name.

Once letter is sent, you can put comments in the Contact Attempts Box, letter sent and check back in 15 days. It will also show on your list a column for No Contact Letter and the date.

If letter is returned and the address is incorrect may type email in Email Notification Message Box and click Complete PE Survey.

If letter not returned and have not heard from client you can put these comments in the Contact Attempts Box with today’s date and complete PE Survey.


Reminder Client Assistance Program

Remember to refer individuals to the Client Assistance Program if they have shared a concern but do not want to talk to the Specialist or the Office Director or have already been in contact with them and are dissatisfied.


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