Where your future begins

Ticket to Work

Status: Archived

Approved Date: June 29, 2017

  1. Ask the individual whether they receive SSDI or SSI and if so record in QE2.
  2. Explain that the purpose of the federal Ticket to Work legislation is twofold:
    • expand the incentives for an individual to return to work (one of which is protection from continuing disability reviews (CDRs) when working with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) or a qualified employment network (EN) ; and
    • expand the number of organizations an individual could use to help with returning to work. These are called employment networks (ENs) Historically VR was virtually the only organization that could assist individuals and the SSA wanted to provide incentives to other organizations so individuals had choice.
  3. For those receiving, help the ticket holder understand that he/she is exempt from CDRs after his/her original IPE has been approved and that the protection continues as long as they meet progress goals set by SSA. There are three options an individual has under Ticket To Work for obtaining employment assistance.
    • Work solely with VR. The ticket holder is protected from CDRs when his/her original IPE is approved. The ticket is considered ‘in use’ status with VR by social security. The ticket holder must also meet progress criteria established by SSA.
    • Work solely with an EN. A ticket holder can ‘assign his/her ticket’ to any EN. The ticket holder cannot assign their ticket to an EN if their ticket is currently ‘in use’ with VR.
    • Work with VR who provides services and later an EN. VR, for instance, might provide services, close the case when the person is successfully employed and receive cost reimbursement. The individual is then protected from CDRs for 90 days and can assign their ticket to an EN during those 90 days. This continues their CDR protection. This might be very helpful for individuals who achieve supported employment goals and need long term/extended services to maintain their job. ENs can then claim money under the ticket assignment.
  4. To verify ticket status for eligibility purposes or other reasons:
    • Email the consumer name and the last four digits of the social security number to Jan Simodynes jan.simodynes@nebraska.gov or Tessa Ferguson tessa.ferguson@nebraska.gov.
    • They will reply to your email with information on ticket status. Responses include:
      • Ticket Assignable: This is verification that the consumer is a beneficiary/recipient of Social Security on the basis of a disability. Documentation of the phone call and response in QE2 may be used in the Eligibility Determination Screen to determine eligibility on the basis of being a social security beneficiary/recipient. For any other response use other information to confirm the impairment.
      • Ticket Not Assignable: This is verification that the consumer is a beneficiary/recipient of Social Security on the basis of a disability; however, they are not in a status that allows their ticket to be assigned. Reasons include, but are not limited to the following.
        • Currently under age 18 or over age 64 NOTE: If age 65 or older, code Income Type as 'Other' on the Household Income Screen. On the Services and Benefits screen, do not select SSDI or SSI as the program. If age 65 or older, the individual is either on social security retirement or supplemental security income due to age.
        • 18 year old who received SSI as a child, but has not completed a 18 year redetermination using the adult standard
        • Not receiving a cash benefit
        • Receiving section 301 payments while continuing to receive VR services
        • Appealing a cessation of benefits based on a finding of medical improvement
        • Receiving provisional cash benefits while SSA is considering a request for expedited reinstatement
        • Receiving a presumptive disability payment
      • Not in Database: This is notification that the consumer is not currently in the Maximus database as a beneficiary/recipient on the basis of a disability. This status can change the following month(s) as the database is updated. State Office will twice monthly submit cases to Maximus in Not in Database Status to monitor any change in their status. Other sources of beneficiary/recipient status will need to be used for determining eligibility for VR services as a beneficiary/recipient on the basis of a disability.
      • Ticket Terminated: This is notification that the consumer’s ticket to work was terminated for one of the following reasons.
        • Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits based on disability or blindness and entitlement to these benefits ended for reasons other than your work or earnings;
        • Began receiving widow's or widower's benefits based on disability and have reached age 65; or
        • Began receiving SSI benefits based on disability or blindness and have reached age 65.
      • Ticket Assigned to an EN or State VR agency:The individual’s ticket is currently assigned to an EN or VR agency. Ask the consumer for the name of the EN or state VR (SVR) agency they worked with. The consumer can mail or fax a letter to Maximus requesting their ticket be unassigned from (EN or SVR) and assigned to NE VR or the Specialist can provide the information to Angela Fujan and she can contact the EN or SVR agency.
      • In- Use SVR: It will be rare to get a response of In-Use with SVR if the Ticket Assignability Phone System is used prior to the IPE being written and approved. It may occur with a case that has been recently closed and re-opened by NE VR.
  5. To help a client take their ticket out of assignment. Use the 'Notification to Maximus' form. This is most often used when their ticket is currently assigned to another employment network. Either print the form for them to complete and fax or complete on-line, print and fax.

Contact Information

Maximus is a national company that manages the Ticket program. Consumer questions can be addressed by calling Maximus at 866.968.7842. (Our Agency DUNS Number is 808819882.)

Contact Pat Bracken (pat.bracken@nebraska.gov or 402-471-6320) for a client's current ticket status.

Vocational Rehabilitation staff will assure that individuals (ticket holders) receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) understand they are protected against continuing disability reviews when receiving services under an approved Individualized Plan for Employment and meeting Social Security's progress criteria.

Vocational Rehabilitation staff will provide ticket holders information as needed concerning the Ticket program or direct consumers to an appropriate source of information.

Vocational Rehabilitation will provide basic information as requested by Social Security on a routine basis.

Vocational Rehabilitation will request cost reimbursement for any ticket holder served who meets the reimbursement criteria.

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