Status: Archived
Approved Date: March 08, 2018
- Unearned income from SSI, or
- Trial Work Period months, or
- Extended Period of Eligibility, or
- Continuing medical coverage for SSDI, or
- Other non-social security benefits, or
- Client expresses an interest in pursuing self-employment
- ESN/NWII Benefits Analysis Referral Form
- ESN/SSA 3288 Consent for Release of Information/Earnings
- ESN/SSA 3288 Consent for Release of Information/General
- ESN/DHHS Authorization for Disclosure
- Household Income Screen
- Services and Benefits Screen
- Do refer the client to Easter Seals for a Benefits Analysis when the client's job goals, desired work hours and wages will affect, or has the potential to affect, his/her:
- Unearned income from SSI, or
- Trial Work Period months, or
- Extended Period of Eligibility, or
- Continuing medical coverage for SSDI, or
- Non-social security benefits (food stamps, rental assistance, etc.), or
- The client expresses an interest in pursuing self-employment.
- Do not refer the client to Easter Seals for a Benefits Analysis if:
- The client's job goal, number of hours to be worked, and wages will not affect their Social Security benefit package.
- Document these findings and any other significant considerations in a task entry entitled Benefits Analysis.
- The client understands the impact that their employment will have on other benefits such as food stamps, rent assistance, or energy assistance, and decides to proceed with employment.
- Document their decision in a task note entitled Benefits Analysis.
- Verify the Social Security Information is in the QE2 record
- Household Income Screen
- ESN/NWII Benefit Analysis Referral Form
- ESN/SSA 3288 Consent for Release of Information/General
- ESN/SSA 3288 Consent for Release of Information/Earnings
- ESN/DHSS Authorization for Disclosure
- summarize the findings of the Benefit Analysis,
- discuss the decision the client has made regarding the number of hours he/she plans on working, and
- to identify which work incentives the client is going to utilize when he/she returns to work.
- The meeting should be a face-to-face meeting with the client. When a face-to-face meeting is not practical then a telephone conversation with the client is acceptable.
- Maximum number of hours the client can work and the maximum earnings he/she can make to implement the strategy selected.
- List of work incentives applicable to the client.
- Comparison of work incentive strategies considered by the client to include financial comparisons.
- List of the work incentives selected by the client as a part of their strategy to return to work.
- Explanation of reporting requirements to SSA, HHS, HUD, or any other resource the client receives assistance from to include who will be responsible for this occurring.
- List of any record keeping tools to be used by the client and a description of who will provide the training to the client or their representative so the tools are used correctly. 6 . Verify that the Social Security information in the QE2 record is accurate.
- Household income screen
- Services and Benefit screen.
All applicants for services who receive SSI or SSDI on the basis of his/her disability shall be provided a Benefits Orientation as a part of the career planning process. This information is extremely important for the client to have prior to developing their IPE.
Benefits analysis is a comprehensive review of the client's information to assess real or potential impact of employment on the client's federal and state benefits and Ticket to Work.
The client can get further information about the ticket program by visiting For questions, the client can call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1.866.968.7842/866.833.2967 (TTY/TDD) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST or send an e-mail