Status: Archived
Approved Date: October 02, 2019
Eligibility Determinations:
Must be made within 60 days of application date.
Eligibility criteria:
Eligibility Extension is required prior to exceeding the 60 day timeframe (completed in QE2 no later than day 59)
If the eligibility determination is unable to be completed within 60 days from the date of application, an eligibility extension is required to be completed in QE2 prior to the 60 days expiring (day 59 or less). Only one extension is allowed for a maximum of an additional 60 days and a total of 120 days.
In the rare occurrence of an eligibility extension exceeding the maximum of 120 days, an automated e-mail will be generated to the Director of VR and the Office Director for review. The Office Director will be required to provide the Director of VR the justification of not meeting the IPE deadlines.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligibility must be completed within 60 days of the application for services. Individuals must be determined eligible prior to providing VR services under an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE).
Eligibility requirements:
Eligibility determinations must be made by either a VR Rehabilitation Specialist or a VR Office Director.
A VR Service Specialist may indicate to an individual their belief that he or she will be eligible for services. However, the VR Service Specialist should clearly explain that only a VR rehabilitation specialist or VR office director has the authority to officially determine eligibility for services.
ELIGIBILITY EXTENSION: If staff are unable to complete the eligibility determination within 60 days, an Eligibility Extension is required to be completed in QE2 prior to the 60 day Eligibility deadline.
Eligibility requirements are applied without regard to gender, race, age, color, or national origin.
Age Restrictions
There is no upper or lower age limit that, in and of itself, results in a finding of ineligibility for any person who otherwise meets the basic eligibility criteria.
There is no durational or other residency requirement imposed that excludes from services any person who is present in the State.
Open Case in Two States
An individual may have an active case in two state VR agencies at the same time and both VR agencies would be allowed to record a successful employment outcome. Contact the Program Director for Counseling Services to discuss if you learn a case is open in another state VR agency or if the individual tells you they are going to apply for services from another state VR agency.
Only a non-citizen who is authorized by the U S Department of Homeland Security to work can be served by the agency. See Citizenship section in the Application and Transfer to the Employment Program chapter.
Information on Selected Impairments
Who Can Diagnose
A diagnosis may only be accepted from individuals licensed and/or certified to make a diagnosis.
This is limited to:
VR will accept a diagnosis with the signature of a physician assistant or psychological assistant without the signature of their supervising physician