Where your future begins

IPE Amendment

Status: Archived

Approved Date: April 08, 2022

When the Employment Goal changes prior to the client accepting a job:

  1. Review and update the IPE Pre-Planning information to determine if the new employment goal is an appropriate job goal and what services and support the individual needs needs to achieve the new employment goal using the following resources:
    • All topics of the Summary of Employment Discussion. The Summary of Employment Discussion form is not required, but Summary of Employment Discussion Task Notes are required.
    • Career Planning Preferences Form
    • Readiness Factors and Planning Factors
  2. Complete an IPE Job Goal/Supported Employment Goal form when you and the client have agreed to a new job goal the client will pursue.
    • Original or Amended – Designate the type of IPE as Amended
    • Job Goal – The job goal is the job the client wants to have when they are finished with VR. The job goal should be as specific as possible. Record any important details about the job. Only one job goal may be identified on the IPE Job Goal section. If the client is considering several job goals or an immediate and long term job goal the client and VR staff will mutually agree upon a primary job goal and that job goal will be listed. Any other job goals the client wants reflected on the IPE Job Goal/Supported Employment Form will be listed in the Comments/Responsibilities section of the form.
    • Comments/Responsibilities - Allows the client and/or VR staff to note any additional comments regarding the job goal, unique responsibilities, or things to consider during service provision.
    • Expected Date to Be Working – In estimating the date the client will be working in his/her job goal consider the following.
      • When the client will have completed the services on his/her plan (or decides he/she does not need more help).
      • The client will have been working at least 90 days in the job goal.
      • When the client thinks his/her work is satisfactory and his/her employer is satisfied with the client's job performance.
      • This date should be at least six months from the date the IPE is signed.
    • Weekly Work Hours - Indicate the number of hours the client expects to work each week.
    • Agreement and Approval - Thoroughly review the text in this section with the client. It is important the client understands and is in agreement with the conclusions and action to be taken that are outlined in this section.
    • Supported Employment – See the Supported Employment Chapter for a detailed description of Supported Employment requirements and procedures. Only individuals with a Most Significant Disability (Priority Group 1) can have a Supported Employment Job Goal.
      • Type of Supported Employment – Identify the type of SE program.
        • Individual Placement
        • Crew/Enclave Placement
        • Transitional Placement
      • Continuing Help – Identify the type(s) of continuing help the client will need to do well on the job. Check all the boxes that apply. If the help the client needs is not on the list, use the "Other" box to describe the help needed. Use more pages if necessary.
      • Provider – Identify the provider(s) that provide and/or pay for the help needed. If an advocacy or support group, family member, or other source will provide or pay for the continuing help specify who that will be.
        • The provider must meet with the client at least 2 times a month to determine how the client is doing on the job and what the client needs. It is the client's choice as to whether this meeting is at the work place or away from the work place.
  3. Complete a new IPE VR Provided Services, Community Services and/or Supports forms as appropriate. (Note: The forms are not required for clients with a Supported Employment Job Goal unless a service and/or support is needed that is outside the scope of Supported Employment). Provide copies to the client.
    • VR Provided Services – Identify the VR staff providing the services the client will need to achieve his/her job goal. Indicate the following:
      • The estimated start and end date of the service.
      • The VR staff member (name or title/role) who will provide the service.
    • Community Services – Identify the community services the client will need to achieve his/her job goal. Indicate the following:
      • Where will the client get the community service.
      • Who will pay for the community service.
      • The estimated start and end date of each of the community services.
    • Supports – Identify the support services the client will need to achieve his/her job goal. Indicate the following:
      • Where will the client get the support.
      • Who will pay for the support.
      • The estimated start and end date of each of the supports.
  4. Obtain signature of the client and parent or guardian on the new form as appropriate.

When client takes a job that is different than the job goal on the IPE:

  1. Complete the top section of the IPE Amendment of Job Goal at Outcome and IPE Amendment Termination of Services form.
  2. Obtain client agreement and signature (including parent or guardian as appropriate) on the form. If the client signs and returns the form before the 90 days of Employment Follow Up complete the amended IPE in QE2. If the client does not sign and return the form during the 90 days of Employment Follow up, complete the amended IPE in QE2.

When VR staff or a provider terminates a team or community service:

  1. Complete the bottom section of the IPE Amendment of Job Goal at Outcome and IPE Amendment Termination of Services form.
    • Who is taking the Termination Action?
    • What services are being terminated?
    • What is the reason for the termination?
  2. Obtain client agreement and signature (including parent or guardian as appropriate) on the form. If the client does not agree with the termination or refuses to sign the form contact your office director to start the Review of Decision process and record the client’s refusal to sign on the IPE Amendment of Job Goal at Outcome and IPE Amendment Termination of Services form.
    • If the client has not been recently informed of the services of the Client Assistance Program, then inform the individual again.
    • Note: A service cannot be stopped while the client is involved in either mediation or the appeal process. For post-secondary training, making an adjustment for credit hours funded but not completed does not constitute stopping a service.
  3. Terminate the service in the QE2 record.

IPE amendments are required when a ‘substantive change’ is made in the employment goal, VR services or in the provider of services’.

The IPE must be amended when:

  • the employment goal is changed. The job goal being pursued or obtained must match the job goal on the current IPE. The first two digits of the SOC code must match; or
  • VR staff or a provider terminates any team or community service.

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