Where your future begins


Status: Archived

Approved Date: April 26, 2022




Does What?

Staff Member

1. Completes the Training Request form electronically.
a. Attaches an agenda with session times or, if not available, attaches a brochure or general training description.

2. Emails Training Request and agenda (brochure or general training/conference description) to supervisor for approval/disapproval.



3. Enters justification for approval/disapproval on the Training Request.

4. Checks “Approved” or “Denied”, Initials, and Dates the Training Request.

If disapproved:

5. Notifies staff member.

If approved:

5. Emails Training Request and agenda (brochure or general training/conference description) to Nebraska VR Director, lindy.foley@nebraska.gov for approval/disapproval.


VR Director

6. Checks “Approved” or “Denied”, Initials, and Dates the Training Request.

7. Emails the Training Request to staff member and supervisor.



Staff Member

If approved:

8. Enters approved cost webinar on Outlook calendar.

9. Registers for the webinar using the following payment options (listed in preferred method):
A. Direct bill/Invoice:
1. (The sponsor) Direct bills/invoices the registration cost to the staff member using the staff member’s work or email address.
2. Gives the direct bill/invoice to the Supervisor to approve with a signature.
B. Purchase Card (P Card):
1. Gives the registration to the Supervisor to approve with a signature.
2. Gives the approved registration to the P Card Representative.
3. Has the P Card representative from the VR field office use the P Card for the registration cost.



Field Office Fiscal Associate

If direct billed/invoiced for registration:

10. Scans the direct bill or invoice to the fiscal email box, vr.soacctgfaxreceivers@nebraska.gov for payment.



P Card Representative

If P Card was used for registration:

11. Scans the signed registration and P Card monthly statement to the fiscal email box, vr.soacctgfaxreceivers@nebraska.gov.

State Office Fiscal Staff

12. Pays the direct bill/invoice


12. Codes and forwards the P Card monthly statement to NDE Central Accounting



After the cost webinar occurs and the staff member attends:

13. Emails the Training Request to paige.rose@nebraska.gov.



14. Emails paige.rose@nebraska.gov with thoughts (recommendation for others to attend/not attend) on the training.

15. Presents to team and/or all VR staff on the training.



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