Where your future begins

Supported Employment - 30 day report for Customized Employment

Contact: Carla Lasley
Created: 06/14/2018
Date Emailed to Staff: 06/14/2018
Effective Date: 06/14/2018

Summary of Changes

The 30 day report form for I/DD Customized Employment and I/DD Supported Employment was posted to Forms but the I/DD Customized Employment form was not included with the chapter.   This update corrects that error and provides notification of the revision to both forms.   

Forms - New or Revised



QE2 Update

No changes 

To Do

Please review with all staff and ensure that all providers (including independent providers) have both this form and the 30 day report for for SE, which was posted to the chapter previously.

 Team Communication

Review the forms in the next team meeting and request that all past version templates be destroyed  

VRIS Posting

 Supported Employment & ID Customized Employment - Behavioral Health, Acquired Brain Injury, Autism, Intellectual Disabilities (ID/DD)...

Monitoring Requirements

Ensure VR receives 30 day reports during MS 2. 

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