Contact: Cathy Callaway
Created: 01/02/2019
Date Emailed to Staff: 01/25/2019
Effective Date: 01/28/2019
Summary of Changes
Starting January 1, 2019 supported employment will be authorized one milestone at a time. Programming changes in QE2 to support this requirement will be implemented as of January 28, 2019
An authorization for the next milestone will not be completed until the client achieves the previous milestone.
Authorization end dates cannot be extended beyond 12 months.
Forms - New or Revised
A chart with information on when to authorize and what to use as start/end date on the authorization and payment is attached to the chapter.
QE2 Update
Programming changes have been made in QE2 that will require the selection of a milestone at the time of authorization. The amount of the authorization will be pre-populated based on the milestone payment schedules for Behavioral Health, ABI/Autism, ID/DD.
To Do
Training will be provided to the encumbrance balance liaisons during January and February. The liaisons should share the information with other fiscal associates that complete supported employment authorizations.
Team Communication
The Encumbrance Balance liaisons may want to review supported employment cases on a regular basis with the team or individual specialists to ensure the milestones authorized in QE2 are accurate and up-to-date with the progress of the client.
VRIS Posting
Supported Employment - Fiscal
Monitoring Requirements
The Encumbrance Balance liaisons are responsible for keeping the supported employment authorizations on the encumbrance balance report current. This includes:
1) following up with the specialists individually or at a team meeting to ensure the milestones authorized reflect the current status of the client;
2) unencumbering authorizations for clients that are no longer receiving services or will not be reaching the milestone authorized for; and
3) contacting providers to request invoices for milestones that have been achieved.