Contact: Carla Lasley
Created: 04/03/2019
Date Emailed to Staff: 04/09/2019
Effective Date: 04/03/2019
Summary of Changes
This chapter was previously titled "Waiver of Parent Signature." The chapter was renamed to reflect broader policy and procedure for obtaining signatures of an authorized representative when required or when chosen by the person. It describes when an authorized representative must sign documents, as well as when a person may choose to have an authorized representative sign documents on his or her behalf.
Forms - New or Revised
Waiver of Parent Signature Form was revised and is now titled "Emancipated Minor Form"
A Decision Tree to assist in determining who should sign documents is attached to the chapter and is titled: "Signing of VR Documents Chart."
All forms with a signature line have been reviewed and are being revised to include a line to obtain the authorized representative signature, as applicable. The VRIS update about those forms will be sent separately once approved.
QE2 Update
At this time there are no updates to QE2, although an update has been requested to add an address and other contact information for the authorized representative, to identify guardian type, if applicable, and to possibly include a flag that the record should be checked and appropriate signature obtained, when applicable.
To Do
Training is being held on 4/9/19 and 4/11/19 with Scott Summers, NDE Legal; please encourage staff to attend.
Team Communication
Following the training by Scott Summers, review of the Decision Tree at a staff meeting would be helpful to identify examples VR staff have encountered and work through how to use the Decision Tree to support the determination of who must and who may sign as authorized representative.
VRIS Posting
Signatures Required on VR Documents
Monitoring Requirements
Documents should be checked to ensure they are signed by the appropriate authorized representative; case file reviews will include a check for appropriate signatures.