Where your future begins

Assessment for Determining Competitive Integrated Employment

Contact: Paige Rose
Created: 04/08/2020
Date Emailed to Staff: 04/09/2020
Effective Date: 04/09/2020

Summary of Changes

New chapter developed outlining process for assessment of a position, resulting in a determination of competitive integrated employment (CIE).


Forms - New or Revised

Information & Referral (I & R) to Other Programs

Assessment for Competitive Integrated Employment Determination Checklist

Section 511: Refusal to Participate

Attachment: AbilityOne Offutt


QE2 Update



To Do

Notify Office Director and Program Director for Evaluation and Community Integration when discussing an AbilityOne site with a client, when a referral is made, and when an assessment is necessary. These notification requirements also apply to positions at locations where integration is questioned such as a business developed for the sole purpose of hiring people with disabilities as well as supported self-employment cases where CIE is unclear. Notification requirements also extend to the Program Specialist for Self-Employment for any such case.


Team Communication

Discuss in team meeting.


VRIS Posting



Monitoring Requirements

Office Directors are expected to track referrals and assessment requests for CIE and report to Program Director for Evaluation and Community Integration.


Training Dates

A training will be arranged at a later date involving the 3 Omaha teams and Black Hills staff to discuss employment options more thoroughly at Offutt AFB.


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