Where your future begins

Signatures -- Temporary Process for providers to obtain signatures

Contact: Carla Lasley
Created: 04/09/2020
Date Emailed to Staff: 04/09/2020
Effective Date: 04/09/2020

Summary of Changes

Temporary policy / procedure change to allow providers to obtain electronic signatures, where possible, and verbal approval when needed.

Forms - New or Revised

No forms changed or revised, but this process applies to milestones and any benefits forms clients and authorized representatives usually sign


QE2 Update



To Do

DD Providers have been notified of change via Constant Contact.  Review process that states that VR staff may validate client approval when provider notes that verbal approval was received.

Also requested that VR staff share the process with provider staff when possible; various methods of communicating the process to providers are being utilized. 

Team Communication

As above.


VRIS Posting


Monitoring Requirements

As noted, VR staff will review forms and take action as needed to verify client / authorized representative verbal approval was received when forms are not signed.


Training Dates

None.  Process was reviewed by Design and Implementation group.   

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