Contact: Cathy Callaway
Created: 09/17/2021
Date Emailed to Staff: 09/17/2021
Effective Date: 09/20/2021
Summary of Changes
A new chapter defining Common Performance Measures and outlining requirements for staff to update Measurable Skill Gain (MSG) and Credential Attainment (CA) in QE2 quarterly.
Forms - New or Revised
QE2 Update
Enrollment in Measurable Skill Gain and Credtenial Attainment is automated in QE2. As noted in the chapter, staff are responsible for updating MSG's and CA's each quarter, including high school graduation dates. Notcies are auto-generated on the client case as a reminder, and MSG/CA's have been added to the To Do reports for tracking cases that require a quarterly update.
To Do
Staff should monitor their MSG/CA's on the To Do report and ensure they are being updated quarterly.
Team Communication
The new policy should be reviewed at a team meeting to ensure staff understand compliance with the required quarterly updates.
VRIS Posting
Common Performance Measures
Monitoring Requirements
VR staff are responsible for updating each MSG or CA a client is enrolled in every quarter, including high school graduation dates.
Training Dates
Training on the updates to MSG and CA in QE2 was held in February, 2021.