Contact: Carla Lasley
Created: 11/22/2021
Date Emailed to Staff: 12/01/2021
Effective Date: 12/01/2021
Summary of Changes
Added documentation of informed choice in provision of Benefits Analysis Services in Policy statements
Added activities related to Ticket to Work status and support to reassign ticket at closure
Added links to applicable chapters -- Documentation, Pre-ETs (referenced chapter section related to Ben Ori., Ben Assessment), Ticket to Work,
Updated payment amounts for each benefits service effective with 12/1/21 service agreement with Benefits Providers.
Added considerations for Benefits Assessment authorization when client comes into services with a job.
Added considerations for when to authorize Benefits Planning (before or after job start).
Revised allowance for Benefits Management authorizations to be completed twice while the case is open (revised from alllowance for authorization within 12 months as a post-employment service.)
Forms - New or Revised
Work incentives forms for Concurrent, Title II and Title XVI beneficiaries were attached to this chapter for easier access.
QE2 Update
No changes to QE2; authorization amounts for benefits services are manually entered.
To Do
Review chapter, ensure choice of providers and information about value of benefits services is conveyed to clients; declinations documented.
Team Communication
Updates to amounts to be authorized for benefits services, based on cost methodology study, effective 12/1/21, documentation of informed choice.
VRIS Posting
Benefits Analysis Services
Monitoring Requirements
Review for informed choice, provision of services or declination of services.
Training Dates
12/1/21 9-10 a.m. and 12/3/21 1-2 p.m. content of training repeated; staff should attend only one.