Contact: Carla Lasley
Created: 11/23/2021
Date Emailed to Staff: 12/01/2021
Effective Date: 12/01/2021
Summary of Changes
Much of chapter was informational, only. Added process, checklist and ensured compatibility with other chapters in which TTW is discussed (Successful Closure, Termination, Benefits Orientation, Benefits Analysis services.
Forms - New or Revised
QE2 Update
None at present
To Do
Ensure TTW status is checked per policy so ticket can be assigned to VR; ensure ticket discussion occurs at closure/termination so ticket can be reassigned to Employment Network, if applicable.
Team Communication
Training is being held, teams may wish to discuss process at meeting.
VRIS Posting
Ticket to Work
Monitoring Requirements
Review of TTW status at IPE so Ticket can be assigned to VR, and TTW discussion at closure so ticket can be reassigned to an EN.
Training Dates
12/1/21 9-10 a.m., 12/3 1-2 p.m. Training repeats