Contact: Lupe Stevens and Lindsay Brown Created: 01/05/2022 Date Emailed to Staff: 04/15/2022 Effective Date: 03/01/2022
Summary of Changes
Added - Individualized services can be provided to students that are eligible for VR services and have an Individualized Plan for Employment.
Added- Eligible students may develop an Individualized Plan for Employment with either a projected post school employment outcome or a employment outcome. More information in the IPE chapter.
Added- Information about accident reporting for paid and non-paid work-based learning experience.
Added - Inforamtion about the general supervision of a student participating in paid or non-paid work-based learning experience.
Removed - Reader from allowable costs
Added new Work-Based Learning Timesheet
Added 2022 Bi-Weekly Pay Schedule (Removed 2021)
Added On-Line Access to Pay Stub and On-Line Access to Pay Stub- Spanish
Forms - New or Revised
Added Incident/ Accident/ Injury Report
Added new Work-Based Learning Timesheet
Added 2022 Bi-Weekly Pay Schedule (Removed 2021)
Added On-Line Access to Pay Stub and On-Line Access to Pay Stub- Spanish
QE2 Update
IPE project
To Do
Team Communication
Please review with all staff providing Pre-Employment Transition services/