Where your future begins

Payment Inquiry

Contact: Amy Hancock
Created: 07/29/2022
Date Emailed to Staff: 08/08/2022
Effective Date: 07/29/2022

Summary of Changes

1. Updated NIS to E1

2. Added a definition of the invoice date field in E1 as "date Associate entered in QE2 as the invoice date”

3. Clarified G/L Date is the first of the next month if payment is submitted after monthly cut-off 

4. Added a definition of the Due Date in E1 as "date payment will be made based on the payment terms Associate entered in QE2”

5. Added #6  to clarify "Open Amount = if the amount is filled in, payment has not been made”


Forms - New or Revised



QE2 Update



To Do

Associate should be familiar with how to use the Payment Inquiry policy for finding payments in E1.


Team Communication



VRIS Posting

VRIS - Operations - NIS Information (https://webforms.nebraska.gov/program_manual_chapters/721)


Monitoring Requirements

Specify Monitoring Requirements...


Training Dates

Updated information will be reviewed with associates at the Fiscal Hour meeting on 8/9/22.


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