Contact: Carla Lasley
Created: 08/30/2022
Date Emailed to Staff: 09/19/2022
Effective Date: 09/01/2022
Summary of Changes
Forms - New or Revised
Added roster of State VR SSA Coordinators as contacts to request Ticket unassignment
QE2 Update
None at present, though a QE2 update will be implemented in the next few months to ensure review of all benefits and Ticket to Work status before closing a case with a signed IPE.
To Do
Include review of Ticket status at closure with clients/look for documentation of review in task notes when completing case reviews.
Team Communication
Discuss policy change and ensure TTW discussion is completed and documented as part of full consultation in case closure task note.
VRIS Posting
Monitoring Requirements
Ticket Assignment to VR is monitored by Nebraska's SSA VR contact (Victoria Rassmussen); assignment of ticket at closure is to be documented in task notes and noted in case reviews.
Training Dates
September 14 and 15, 2022