Where your future begins

Ineligibility, No Longer Eligible

Contact: Angela Fujan
Created: 10/07/2022
Date Emailed to Staff: 06/26/2023
Effective Date: 10/10/2022

Summary of Changes


Advance in into defination of eligibility.

 SSI/SSDI recipients are presumed eligible, so trial work experience is completed after eligibility for these individuals. 

Information to clarify the assessment needed to determine unable to benefit from services. 

Forms - New or Revised

OD letter –no longer used for Ineligibility & termination. Used for OD decisions. 


Termination SSA Letters - English and Spanish Versions – Updated to add Employment Network in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., changed Maximus to Cognosante as the Ticket program manager


Termination Letter – Renamed to Termination Non-SSA to assist staff  in determining which letter to use

QE2 Update


Team Communication

June 2023 training

 VRIS Posting


Monitoring Requirements

Case Reviews

Training Dates

June 12 & 13, 2023









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