Contact: Angela Fujan Created: 01/31/2023 Date Emailed to Staff: 10/20/2023 Effective Date:
Summary of Changes
POLICY: Applicant's intent to work & Lawful Presence:
Nebraska VR staff must inform ALL applicants that individuals who receive services must intend to work and attest to their lawful presence in the United States by signing the VR Application, individuals are attesting to their intent to work and lawful presence in the United States.
Work documents are required for all applicants. VR can take an application on an individual who does not have their work documents, but they will be required prior to IPE approval.
VR must assure all required signatures are obtained prior to signing the Application. VR is the final signature and official date of Application.
Applicant. The individual applying for services must sign the VR Application and Release forms If the individual has difficulty signing their name, a mark on the form is adequate, as this shows agreement and ownership in the process.
Open Case in Two States: If you learn a case is open with another state VR agency or if the individual tells you they are going to apply for services from another state VR agency, contact the Program Director for Counseling Services to discuss the situation and determine the appropriateness of opening a Nebraska case. Since both state VR programs offer the same services, there is a likelihood for duplication of services. If determine necessary, an individual may have an active case in two state VR agencies at the same time and both VR agencies would be allowed to record a successful employment outcome.
Removed: Note: Except for non-citizens, staff are not to make copies of any documents an individual would use in completing an I-9 form.
Forms - New or Revised
Attached SSA Consent for Release of Information forms.
Revised Application: Changed citizenship question to lawful presence box and final paragraph to address lawful presence by attesting to it with applicant's signature.
QE2 Update
QE2 will require work documents for all clients prior to IPE Approval.
Team Communication
Begin using new Application and dispose old copies.