Where your future begins

Supported Employment

Contact: DJ Plautz
Created: 07/01/2024
Date Emailed to Staff: 07/01/2024
Effective Date: 07/01/2024

Summary of Changes

The hourly SE BH/MH rate for job coaching/support has been adjusted and will now be authorized at the Level 1 job coaching/support percentage (1-23%).  The revised matrix is included under the Job Coaching/Job Support section.  

A case review form has been created to evaluate SE providers.  

Forms - New or Revised

Supported Employment Case Review

QE2 Update

The new rate has been programmed into QE2.  

To Do

QE2 will not allow you to backdate the BH/MH SE (job coaching/support) authorizations with a start date before today (7/1/24).  If an authorization is overlooked and needs to be backdated, you will need to send in a helpdesk ticket so this can be manually created for you. 

*This only applies to the SE monthly job coaching/support service for BH/MH.  The rates for Plan for Job Development (milestone 1) and Job Search and Placement (milestone 2) have not changed.  

Please pay particular attention to ensure that you are selecting the correct SE type to avoid any incorrect authorization amounts.  

VRIS Posting

Supported Employment  https://webforms.nebraska.gov/program_manual_chapters/1166 




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