Contact: Angela Fujan Created: 07/19/2024 Date Emailed to Staff: 10/03/2024 Effective Date: 10/01/2024
Summary of Changes
Added :
Clarification to required signatures and official IPE Amendment approval date.
To ensure client's rights, informed choice, and mutual agreement, all authorized goods and services must support the current and agreed upon IPE Employment Outcome (job goal).
VR must obtain required signatures and approve the IPE Amendment in QE2 prior to authorizing for goods or services needed to support the IPE Amendment.
An exception process for authorizations was developed for the rare occurrence when VR has been unable to gather the required signature(s) to officially amend the IPE and a service or good is immediately required.
Forms - New or Revised
QE2 Update
IPE Amendment must be completed and approved in QE2 prior to authorizing for goods or services to support new employment goal.
When the Employment Follow-up (EF) button is selected for the job in the QE2 work history and this does not match the SOC codes of the IPE goal, QE2 creates an IPE Amendment for completion.
The 90-day clock cannot begin until the signed IPE Amendment is received by VR and approved in QE2.
Authorizations created when there is an unapproved IPE amendment for a new job goal, will require Director/Assistant Director approval for an exception to the federal regulations.