Where your future begins

Required, Coordinated and Authorized Pre-Employment Transition Services

Categorized In: Pre-Employment Transition Services - Services

Approved Date: February 28, 2025

Owner: Lupe Stevens

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) 361.48 discusses the scope of vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities and in particular services to students.

Each state must ensure that the designated state unit, i.e. Nebraska VR, in collaboration with the local educational agencies involved, provide or arrange for the provision of pre-employment transition services for all students with disabilities (SWD). Furthermore, pre-employment transition services may be provided to all SWD, regardless of whether an application for VR Services has been submitted. 

In order to be able to participate in any pre-employment transition activities with Nebraska VR staff, whether in a group or on an individual basis beyond an orientation to services, the student must have a signed Pre-Employment Transition Consent and Release Form or a VR Application and Release of Information. Refer to the Signing of VR Documents Chart for signature requirements.  

Who Qualifies to receive Pre-Employment Transition Services?

  • A SWD, ages 14-21 (through the student's 21st year)

  • Eligible for and receiving special education services or related services under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or an individual with a disability for the purposes of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

  • In an educational program, which includes secondary education programs, non-traditional or alternative secondary education programs, home schooling, post-secondary education programs, other recognized educational programs, such as those offered through the juvenile justice system.

  • With a signed Pre-Employment Transition Consent and Release Form or Nebraska VR Application and a Release of Information form

Pre-employment transition services are considered an early start to allow students the opportunity to be exposed to and to explore the world of work. Most students will begin their services with Nebraska VR with a signed Pre-Employment Transition Consent and Release form and be considered potentially eligible for Nebraska VR services. 

Students also have the option to apply for Nebraska VR services and be eligible for pre-employment transition services by virtue of being a SWD, age 14 to 21. SWD must receive at least one pre-employment transition service prior to eligibility determination.

Pre-employment transition services fall into three categories: required, coordinated and authorized, which will be differentiated below. 

Pre-Employment Transition Services- Required Activities:

(1) job exploration counseling;

(2) workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living;

(3) counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or post secondary educational programs at institutions of higher education;

(4) work based learning; See Work-Based Learning Experience Chapter


(5) instruction in self-advocacy, which may include peer mentoring

These services:

  • May be provided to students in groups or on an individual basis;

  • Need to be documented in the individual case record of each student, whether services are provided in a group or on an individual basis; 

  • Indicate the required or coordinated services provided in the task note title and note if services were provided in a group setting;

  • May be provided in a classroom or community setting;

  • Must be provided on a monthly basis;

  • May be based on the student's preferences and/ or needs. 

Informed Choice with Students 

Use informed choice to help students explore jobs, workplace readiness, post-secondary opportunties, self- advocacy, and work-based learning through pre-employment transition services. Informed choice should be used to assist individuals to: 



Explore student's job-related interests. 

  • May be provided in a classroom or community setting.
  • Discussion or counseling on the results of some of these activities can help identify viable career pathways that a student will want to explore further.

Group Setting

Individual Service

  • Information regarding in demand industry sectors and occupations
  • Labor market information
  • Vocational interest inventories
  • Identification of career pathways of interest to students
  • Review of student's vocational inventory results
  • Discuss in demand occupations
  • Review labor market information as it applies to student's job-related interests
  • Career pathways


Assist students to develop employability and independent living skills. 

Support students understanding of communication, interpersonal skills and employment expectation. 

  • Can take place on a worksite in conjunction with a Work Based Learning Experience.


Group Setting

Individual Service

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Financial literacy
  • Group orientation and mobility skills (to access workplace readiness or travel independently)
  • Job seeking skills
  • Understand employer expectations ("soft skills")
  • Any of the group services that are tailored to the student



Counsel students on opportunities for enrollment. 

  • Comprehensive transition or
  • post-secondary educational programs at institutions of higher education.

Group Setting

Individual Service

  • Explore information on course offerings
  • Information on career options
  • Learn types of academic and occupational training needed to succeed in the workplace
  • Explore postsecondary opportunities associated with career pathways
  • Advise students and authorized representative on academic curricula
  • Review college application and admission process
  • Complete FAFSA
  • Provide resources to support individual student success

4. WORK- BASED LEARNING Work- Based Learning Chapter

Explore student's job-related interests. 

  • In an integrated setting to the maximum extent possible.
  • Direct employer or community involvement to ensure in-depth student engagement.

Group Setting

Individual Service

  • Coordinate a school-based program of job training and informational interviews to research employers
  • Work site tours to learn about necessary job-related skills
  • Job shadows
  • Mentor opportunities
  • Internships
  • Apprenticeships
  • In-school (e.g. Project SEARCH) after school, or summer opportunities, or experiences outside the traditional school setting.


Mentor self-advocacy strategies.

  • May include peer mentoring

Group Setting

Individual Service

  • Learn about rights and responsibilities
  • Learn how to request accommodations for services and support
  • Learn to communicate to prepare for peer mentoring opportunities with others working in their areas of interest
  • Tailor activities through individualized opportunities
  • Conduct informational interviews
  • Mentor with educational staff
  • Mentor in community settings
  • Participate in youth leadership activities

Implementation of the required pre-employment transition services will sometimes necessitate the use of the following allowable service costs.

These allowable cost services must be provided in conjunction with one of the five required pre-employment transition services and entered in QE2 as a service.

Allowable service costs for Pre-Employment Transition Services for students with a Pre-Employment Transition Consent and Information Release ONLY:

  • Background check, if required for all employees, if paid to the business

  • Benefits Orientation

  • Travel Training

  • Employment/Training Medical Supports, if paid to the business

  • Interpreter-Deaf or Hard of Hearing (ADA) 

  • Tools-employment, if paid to the business

  • Uniform & Clothing, if paid to the business

  • Worksite skills trainer

  • Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP) Consultation


Benefits Orientation 

A Benefit Orientation will provide general inforamtion to a student and family (or authorized representative) that public benefits may be affected by earning income from a paid work-based learning experience. In this case a benefits orientation is in conjunction with a work- based learning experience. 

A Benefit Orientation should be provided for a SWD at age 17 so the student and family (or authorized representation) can be made aware that the student will undergo a redetermination of benefits as an adult at age 18. This allows for the student and family (or authorized representative) to make informed choices about work and earned income. In this case a benefits orientation is in conjunction with workplace readiness training.

If a student needs a Benefits Assessment, the student should apply for VR servicies. A Benefits Assessment is available after completing a VR Application for Employment Services. (Benefits Analysis Services)

Travel Training

Travel training may include the preparation of a student with a disability to travel independently in their home, community, college, work based learning site, etc. An example of travel training cost includes the purchase of bus tickets for VR staff and students to learn how to ride the bus.

Worksite Skills Trainer

Worksite skills trainer can be considered in conjunction with a work based learning experience. A worksite skills trainer teaches students specific job duties and job tasks required to perform the job. The worksite skills trainer can also provide work readiness skills training at the worksite during the course of the work based learning experience. See Work-Based Learning Experience Chapter

ATP Consultation

A pre-employment transition student or a group of pre-employment transition students can be referred to ATP for a consultation ONLY.  An ATP consultation allows ATP to provide consultative services to a student regarding accommodations the student may need in work or post-secondary education. A Pre-Employment Transition coordinator should consider a referral for an ATP consultation when a student has a functional limitation related to work, including work based learning experiences, when a student is considering post-secondary training and if a Project SEARCH intern could potentially benefit from assistive technology. 

An ATP consultation is meant for information only. An ATP consultation can be provided through demonstrations, loans, access to the ReUse Program. ATP will research other resources for students through funding coordination through ATP and the ReUse program. Once an ATP consultation is completed, an Information Only Report will be provided to the referring Pre-Employment Transition coordinator. The coordinator should share the Information Only report with the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team so it can be considered in transition planning. Assistive technology cannot be purchased by Nebraska VR for a student receiving ONLY Pre-Employment Transition Services.

A Pre-Employment Transition Coordinator must complete an ATP referral form. The “Pre-ETS” box should be checked in order to identify that the referral is for a student. 

Allowable service costs for Pre-Employment Transition Services for students that are eligible for VR services and have an Individualized Plan for Employment:

When appropriate more individualized services can be provided to students that are eligible for VR services and have an Individualized Plan for Employment. 

Students that are eligible for VR services and have an Individualized Plan for Employment have access to additional VR service costs as necessary, in addition to allowable service costs for potentially eligible students.  

When a student applies for VR services, an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) must be developed within the guidelines found in the IPE chapter. Either a projected post school employment outcome or employment outcome may be developed as appropriate. Refer to the IPE chapter


Pre-Employment Transition Services- Coordinated Activities

WIOA further indicates that VR is responsible for pre-employment transition coordination. These responsibilities consist of:

  • Attending IEP meetings when invited (in person or using alternative means such as phone, FaceTime, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.)

  • Working with local workforce development boards, one stop centers, and employers to develop work opportunities for SWD, including internships, summer apprenticeships, and other work- based learning opportunities

  • Working with schools to consult, coordinate and ensure the provision of pre-employment transition services

  • When invited, attending person-centered planning meetings that assist individuals with disabilities and their families plan for the future


Pre-Employment Transition Services- Authorized Activities

In addition, Nebraska VR staff time spent providing additional authorized identified below are allowable pre-employment transition services costs. After the provision of the required pre-employment transition activities, pre-employment transition funds may be used to improve the transition of SWD from school to post-secondary education or an employment outcome by implementing the following authorized activities:

(1) implementing effective strategies to increase the likelihood of independent living and inclusion in communities and competitive integrated workplaces;

(2) developing and improving strategies for individuals with intellectual disabilities and individuals with significant disabilities to live independently, participate in postsecondary education experiences, and obtain and retain competitive integrated employment;

(3) providing instruction to vocational rehabilitation counselors, school transition personnel, and other persons supporting students with disabilities;

(4) disseminating information about innovative, effective, and efficient approaches to achieve the goals of this section;

(5) coordinating activities with transition services provided by local educational agencies under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C.1400 et seq.);

(6) applying evidence-based findings to improve policy, procedure, practice, and the preparation of personnel, in order to better achieve the goals of this section;

(7) developing model transition demonstration projects;

(8) establishing or supporting multi-state or regional partnerships involving States, local educational agencies, designated State units, developmental disability agencies, private businesses, or other participants to achieve the goals of this section; and

(9) disseminating information and strategies to improve the transition to postsecondary activities of individuals who are members of traditionally unserved populations.

Pre-employment transition services are reportable to the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). For this reason, all pre-employment transition services provided to a student must be documented.

  • Add the pre-employment transition service to be provided, add the pre-employment transition service ("Pre-Ets Service") in QE2;
  • Select Category, Service and Type of Service and save; 
  • From the Case Home Screen select "Document Team Service",  enter the date and a summary of the service provided.

Summary of the pre-employment transition service should include:

  • How the pre-employment transition services was provided; 
  • Services that were intentional and of practical importance to the student;
  • Next steps developed with the student; and
  • Any coordinated services provided; information exchanged with the school should be documented in the task note

If more than one team services was provided, select "Add Team Service" to add the additional service(s). 

Summary of the pre-employment transition services should document: Resources for providing pre-employment transition services are available in the Job Planning Resource Guide.

Students who have signed a pre-employment transition services consent and release form have access to the Client Assistance Program (CAP). Refer to the CAP chapter Client Assistance Program


The role of Nebraska VR in providing services to students with disabilities (SWD) is primarily one of planning and helping to identify appropriate post-school goals and needed supports that lead to employment.

Nebraska VR has taken steps to promote effective relationships with schools to develop a system that ensures SWD have an opportunity to access services necessary to become employed and live as independently as possible. It is also recognized that schools are critical referral sources for Nebraska VR. It is the large numbers of high school students with disabilities that will allow the agency to develop effective partnerships with businesses and match the needs and interests of students with the needs of the business community.

"Transition" is a term that is used to refer to the bridge between school and adulthood and provides preparation for and continuity of services for SWD as they enter the adult world with an emphasis on post secondary training and employment in competitive integrated settings. Both the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) have made coordinated services during this passage a matter of law for SWD. 

The Pre-Employment Transition Services Coordinator can be most effective to develop relationships, not only with the student and the students parents or guardians, but also with key school personnel and members of the MDT (multidisciplinary team) or other professionals who provide services. Understanding the role of each of these key people involved in the student’s transition plan is fundamental to developing relationships.


Continuum of Services:

WIOA indicates that there is a continuum of services available to students and youth with disabilities, as applicable, through the VR program and includes:

● Pre-employment transition services (section 113 of the Act and 361.48(a)) (See Pre-Employment Transition Services)

  • Available only to students with disabilities; and

  • Application and IPE are not required.

● Group transition services (section 103(b)(7) of the Act and §361.49(a)(7)) (Group services are available to students, 14-21 as a pre-employment transition service; a VR applications should be offered to youth who are not students, 14-21 and to students over the age of 21. This is how Nebraska VR will handle services in this category.)

  • Available to both students and youth with disabilities; and

  • Application and IPE are not required.

● Individualized transition and other VR services (section 103(a) of the Act and

§361.48(b)) (See VR Services in Transition under Case Services.)

  • Available to all eligible individuals;  

  • Application and IPE are required.

Approved Date
January 02, 2024 Show this Archived Version
February 13, 2023 Show this Archived Version
May 25, 2022 Show this Archived Version
April 15, 2022 Show this Archived Version
April 02, 2021 Show this Archived Version

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