Where your future begins

IPE Extension

Categorized In: Case Services - IPE

Approved Date: June 21, 2022

Owner: Angela Fujan

Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations:

361.45(b)(2) The individualized plan for employment must be designed to achieve a specific employment outcome, that is selected by the individual consistent with the individual's unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice. 

361.45(e) The individual plan for employment must be developed as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after the date of determination of eligibility, unless the State unit and the eligible individual agree to the extension of that deadline to a specific date by which the individualized plan for employment must be completed. 

  • An IPE extension is required if the IPE is not completed and approved in QE2 no later than 90 days after the date of the eligibility determination; 
  • IPE extensions not completed before the 90th day, are out of compliance;
  • All IPE extensions require client agreement based on informed choice and Office Director approval;
  • Only one IPE extensionup to an additional 90 days, is permitted per case for a maximum of 180 days (six months); whether the IPE extension is 90 days or less than 90 days, only one IPE extension can be done; 
  • If an IPE extension date expires, an automated e-mail will be sent to the VR Specialist, Office Director, and Director of Nebraska VR. The VR Specialist must respond to the email within 3 working days with:
    • an explanation of why the IPE was not completed and approved in QE2 by the IPE extension date; and 
    • the next steps and timelines for either closing the case or writing the IPE;
  • An IPE developed after the agreed upon extension date requires an Office Director approval. 

An IPE extension is required if the IPE is not able to be completed and approved in QE2 no later than 90 days after the date of the eligibility determination; 

  1. Discuss the need for an IPE extension with the client. Explain exactly what caused the delay, obtain the client's perspective and determine what is needed to complete the IPE.
  2. Obtain agreement based on informed choice with the client on the need for an IPE extension AND an estimated completion date. When determining a completion date, allow a reasonable amount of time to develop the IPE.
  3. The client must agree based on informed choice to the IPE extension for the case to remain open.
  4. Complete the IPE extension screen in QE2. Include why the extension is needed and the specific steps and timelines to be taken by VR and the client to complete the IPE by the agreed upon IPE extension date. 
  5. Office Director approves the IPE extension in QE2, indicating agreement to the steps and timelines outlined in the extension. A task note will automatically be generated when the IPE extension is approved by the Office Director
  6. Once the IPE extension is completed, the IPE must be completed and approved in QE2 no later than the agreed upon IPE Extension date. 
  7. The Office Director is responsible for monitoring all IPE extensions to ensure the specific steps and timelines outlined in the IPE extension are being met and the IPE is completed and approved in QE2 prior to the agreed upon IPE extension date. 
  8. In the rare instance when an IPE extension date expires, an automated e-mail will be sent to the VR Specialist, Office Director, and Director of Nebraska VR. The VR Specialist must respond to the email within 3 working days with:
    • an explanation of why the IPE was not completed and approved in QE2 by the IPE extension date; and
    • the next steps and timelines for either closing the case or writing the IPE; and
  9. The Specialist will add a task note with the email response to the VR Director/Office Director. 
  10. The Office Director must follow up on the specific steps and timelines outlined in the email to ensure the VR Specialist develops the IPE or closes the case.
  11. All IPE development and case closure procedures are required to be followed

If 90 days have expired without an IPE Extension being completed -

  1. An automated e-mail will be sent to the VR Specialist, Office Director, and Director of Nebraska VR. The VR Specialist must respond to the email within 3 working days with:
  • an explanation of why an IPE extension was not done before the required 90 day timeframe; and 
  • the next steps for either obtaining client agreement, completing the extension and writing the IPE or closing the case. 

      2. The Specialist will add a task note with the email response the VR Director/Office Director.

      3. The Office Director must follow up on the specific steps and timelines outlined in the email to ensure the VR Specialist completes an extension and IPE or closes the case.

Approved Date
July 08, 2020 Show this Archived Version
October 02, 2019 Show this Archived Version

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