Status: Archived
Approved Date: June 07, 2018
Self-Employment Orientation and In-Depth Self-Employment Exploration and Discussion.
Conduct the Feasibility Assessment
6. The VR Self-Employment Specialist develops the IPE if the above criteria are met and the client and VR agree to business plan. Both agree on a targeted net monthly income.
7. VR Self-Employment Specialist agrees with the Business Plan. VR responsibilities are specified on IPE. Client responsibilities are outlined on the IPE including submitting recipts and the required monthly targeted income information with the VR Program Specialist. Move the client to services initiated-VR Services in QE 2.
8. VR Self-Employment Specialist authorizes the appropriate business start-up costs, skill training and/or disability related costs as described in the Business Plan and the ATP report if appropriate. Submits to High Cost Fund if an individual item costs over $2000.
9. Upon completion of purchase of start-up items and the business is operating at the targeted monthly income, place the individual in Services Initiated-Employment follow-up milestone.
Self Employment Definition:
Nebraska VR Self-Employment funds will not be used for the development of the following business models:
The following planning, client and funding requirements are essential to achieving a successful self employment/small business venture.
Program financial assistance cannot be used for:
The recipient must first apply personal and/or family resources and all financing available through grants or loans to the required business start-up expenses.
The Program Director of Counseling may grant exceptions to the limit on new business start up expenses after considering the following factors:
Use the following outline to prepare a written Business Plan. The Business Plan provides detail for the business start-up. It includes a chart showing all start-up costs and the recommendation on how those will be met. Part of that recommendation will indicate that assistive technology or disability related costs are included and the amount of expected contribution by the agency in the actual business start-up costs.
$1,999.99 or less—1 estimate
$2,000--$4,999.99—2 estimates
$5,000 and up—3 estimates