Where your future begins


Status: Archived

Approved Date: August 20, 2018

  1. Full consultation. Contact the individual, and/or their representative, to fully discuss the decision to terminate the case unless the person died, moved with no forwarding address or attempts to contact them have been unsuccessful.
  • Individual agrees with the decision. If the individual agrees with the decision complete the termination in QE2. Consult the Termination Chart when selecting the appropriate Milestone and Activity. Send the individual a Termination Letter confirming the decision. No letter is required if the individual has not responded to a previously sent 15 day letter.
  • If individual does not agree with the decision. See Client Appeal Rights/Procedures chapter for the process.
  1. Authorization(s) completed. All authorization end dates must be reached before closure can be approved. This includes authorizations that have a $0 balance because of an unencumbrance. Exceptions: authorizations that have been paid in full (original authorized amount = payment amount) or authorizations for supported employment services.
  2. Milestone change. Record the reason and circumstances for termination in the task notes and complete the termination milestone change in QE2.

QE2 VR or Self Termination.

  1. Once the decision has been made to terminate the client's case update the Outcome choices for each Assessment, Assessment Support, Team and/or Community Services.
  2. Select Change Activity from the Milestone screen (under the Action Tab).
  3. Choose the type of Termination, VR or Self based on the circumstances that lead to the closure.
  4. Document the reason(s) for Termination in a Task Note entry.
  5. Notify Developmental Disabilities Service Coordination or Division of Behavior Health if the client is being terminated from Supported Employment and involved with either of these agencies.

Termination Letter. A Termination Letter confirming the termination of a consumer’s case shall be sent to a consumer. When possible, the consumer should be fully consulted about the termination prior to sending the letter. Cases terminated from I & R and PE Monitoring do not require Termination Letters. No Termination Letters are sent if the consumer has died, or moved with no forwarding address.

15 Day Letter. The 15 Day Letter is used when an individual has not maintained contact, responded to letters, returned phone calls or generally failed to respond to attempts to encourage participation. It is designed to make one last attempt at encouraging the person to contact us and work with us. Since the individual is not available for consultation, the letter suffices as notifying the individual of your intent to close their case. If the person does not respond within 15 days it is assumed they are no longer interested in services and the case will be terminated as a self-termination using the reason ‘did not maintain contact’ or ‘discontinued participation’, whichever is most appropriate to the case. Written notice to the individual is not required.

Case Termination. An applicant or recipient of VR services may be terminated for the following reasons which are unrelated to an ineligibility determination. The following list and/or the Termination Chart should be consulted to determine the correct Milestone and Activity (Self or VR Termination) reason for termination.

Self Termination Reasons

Moved, no forwarding address: Use this reason  when the individual has moved without a forwarding address, or has left the State with no intention of continuing in their VR program.

No longer interested in receiving services: Use when the individual actively chooses not participate in their VR Program or their actions make it impossible to begin or continue a VR Program.

Other reasons: Use of this reason should only be used when no other reason fits and when the reason relates directly to the actions of the individual. Use this reason if an individual is in  PE Monitoring and the individual cannot be located in order to conduct the monitoring.

Turned down waiting list placement: Use this reason (activity) when an individual who is eligible and placed in a Priority Group not currently being served by the agency declines to be added to the waiting list for VR services.

VR Termination Reasons

Call to active duty: Use when the individual is a member of the National Guard or other reserve military unit of the armed forces and is called to active duty.

Died: When an individual has passed away while an open case.

Entered correctional facility: Use when the individual has entered a correctional institution (jail, reformatory, prison, work farm, detention center) or other institution designed for confinement or rehabilitation of criminal offenders.

Entered institutional setting: Use when the individual enters a hospital, nursing home or residential treatment center.

Extended services not available: Use when the individual has received VR services but requires long term extended services for which no long-term source of funding is available.

Health/Medical: Use when the individual is receiving medical treatment that prevents entry into employment or continued participation in the VR Program.

Moved as part of foster care: Use when the individual is in the foster care system and has moved from the area as part of such program or system (youth only).

No longer interested in receiving services: Use when the individual actively chooses not to participate in their VR Program or their actions make it impossible to begin or continue a VR Program.

Other reasons: This choice should only be used when no other reason fits and when the reason does not relate to any actions on the part of the individual.

Placed in sheltered/non-integrated workshop: Only used for clients who have already received services and were placed in a non-integrated or sheltered workshop.

PE Period Ended: QE2 auto selects this reason (activity) when an individual has reached the 1 year mark in PE Monitoring.

Referred to another agency - Use this reason when an individual has been referred elsewhere for needed services that are more appropriately obtained from another source. Use this reason for individuals who have left or will be leaving the state and served by another State VR agency. 

Sec 511 - Employment not expected from services: this choice is used when terminating an I & R case after CCIR has been provided. If this decision is made after VR Application closure choice would be Ineligibility - Sec 511 Employment not expected from services.





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