Where your future begins

Placement Services

Status: Archived

Approved Date: April 11, 2022

Job Seeking Skills

  1. Discuss with the client the value of learning how to market his/her skills through job seeking skills training.
  2. Refer the client for either 1-on-1 or Group JSS Training as appropriate to the client's learning ability and preference. The client may also receive JSS training through other agency-approved training.
    • Ensure an approved IPE has been completed listing JSS as a Team Service before referring for JSS.
    • Provide the date, time and location for the JSS class to the client in writing.
  3. Make a reminder contact the client a day or two prior to the start of the training.
  4. Complete the JSS Training using the agency approved JSS PowerPoint.
  5. Document JSS participation in QE2 to include attendance and any concerns.

Employer Database

  1. Search the Employer Database before creating a new Employer Record to avoid duplicate records.
  2. Record contacts with an employer when a direct placement has occurred, a job lead has been provided or developed, the employer is open to an informational interview, job shadow, OJE or OJT, or new or revised employer information has been received.
  3. Update the Employer Contact Status as necessary. (Prospective, Active, InActive)
  4. Share new or updated employer information in team meetings.

Job Search

  1. Develop a joint plan (client and team members) for job search using the Job Search Agreement.
    • Define roles and responsibilities of the client and the specialist.
    • Identify needed individualized employment services.
    • Establish weekly contact schedule and method, which may include both individual and/or group employment meetings.
    • Address potential employment barriers and possible solutions.
    • Discuss advantages of employer contact and advocacy.
  2. Complete and sign the Job Search Agreement form and change the milestone/activity in the QE2 record to "Services Initiated: Employment Services" to begin the 90-day search period.
  3. Retain original Job Search Agreement in the file and provide a copy to client.
  4. Document the completion of the Job Search Agreement in the Task Notes.
  5. Initiate the Job Search
    • Complete a Job Facts Guide
    • Provide internet access at VR Office for online job searching.
    • Provide assistance with employer contacts and applications.
    • Encourage regular attendance.
    • Document client attendance in the Task Notes.
  6. Conduct a team review at the end of the first 90 days of job search and every 90 days thereafter if placement has not occurred.
    • Has there been consistent weekly contact? If not, why?
    • Has the client followed through on leads and attending interviews? If not, why?
    • Has the Employment Specialist been advocating to employers on the client's behalf? If not, why?
    • Are there deficits in job-seeking skills?
    • Are disability issues causing problems? Are any accommodations needed?
    • Is the job goal still appropriate to the skills and the job market? If not, why?
    • Are there any different employment areas to be considered?
    • Do team members have ideas about possible employers to contact?
    • Is there any indication the client's criminal history is affecting the job search? > * Is the client appropriately disclosing his or her criminal history?
    • Consider the suitability of the client remaining in employment services or being referred back to the referring specialist to develop more skills or resolve issues negatively impacting the job search before re-starting the job search. A new job search agreement should be updated at this point.
  7. Document all reviews of the Job Search Agreement in Task Notes.

Employment Followup & Retention

  1. Move the QE2 record to Services Initiated: Employment Follow Up.
  2. Enter the placement information in the QE2 Employment History.
  3. Contact the client at least twice within the first 30 days of employment and monthly thereafter for follow up until an employment outcome is achieved.
  4. Contact the employer at least once in the first 30 days of employment if VR advocated on behalf of the client to the employer.
  5. Respond to employer concerns and/or client issues within one business day.
  6. Document follow up activities and retention issues addressed in the Task Notes.

Job Seeking Skills

All JSS participants MUST have an approved IPE.

Individual offices will schedule the Job Seeking Skills Workshops at least twice monthly.

Client Participation in the JSS workshop or in individual instruction will be documented in QE2.

Employer Database

Staff are expected to create new and update existing employer records in order for the Employer Database to be a beneficial resource from planning to employment.

Job Search

A Job Search Agreement will be completed for all job seekers.

A team review of the Job Search Agreement will be completed every 90 days until placement has occurred.

A weekly opportunity will be provided to clients to attend a regularly scheduled meeting that supports the client's active job search to include networking, targeted job leads and job search accountability.

Employment Followup & Retention

Follow up contacts with the client will be made at least twice within the first 30 days of employment, and at 60 and 90 days.

A follow up contact with the employer will be made within the first 30 days of employment if VR advocated on behalf of the client with the employer. When VR did not advocate with the employer on behalf of the client, it is left to the discretion of the VR staff and the client if employer contact will be made.

Respond to employer concerns within one business day.

Respond to client issues within one business day.

Document all client and employer follow up contacts and any retention issues identified and addressed in the Task Notes.

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