Where your future begins

Closing Employee's Work Record - Resignation

Contact: Holly Enriquez
Created: 12/28/2023
Date Emailed to Staff: 01/26/2024
Effective Date: 01/26/2024

Summary of Changes

Additional statement was added to the email that goes to all staff indicating steps to take if you are interested in the vacancy (including timeframe to respond). 

Wording updated for retirement reception coordination, NDE staff name removed from process and link updated to the NDE Retirement Request form. 

Individual names were removed from the chapter, leaving only position titles.  

Forms - New or Revised


QE2 Update


To Do

Supervisors will need to review the update for additional steps when staff resign/retire. (Step #4) 


Team Communication



VRIS Posting



Monitoring Requirements



Training Dates

Policy was reviewed at the 1/25/24 DIG meeting. 


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