Where your future begins

Placement Services

Categorized In: Case Services - Planned Services

Approved Date: January 26, 2024

Owner: Mary Matusiak


Placement Services are individualized services provided to VR clients once a job goal has been identified.  These services are meant to facilitate the acquisition and stabilization of permanent, competitive integrated employment.  Placement Services consists of Job Search Assistance and Employment Follow Up.  Each of these services has several different components.

The following are definitions of different activities that occur during the course of Placement Services:


Job Search Assistance:

TEAM SERVICE ONLY. Once referral to Placement is made, activities to support and assist an individual in searching for an appropriate job. May include help in resume preparation, identifying appropriate job opportunities, developing interview skills, and making contacts with companies on behalf of the clientService ends when client obtains a job.

Job Search Assistance has several requirements, including the following:  

  • Weekly contact with client
  • Completion of Job Seeking Skills 
  • Completion of initial Job Search Agreement, with review completed every 90 days
  • Advocacy with employers, as appropriate
  • Staff case at WIN meeting prior to engaging in worksite activities
  • Enter any relevant business interactions into the Employer Database


Weekly Contact:

A minimum of weekly contact should be maintained with clients while they are in Job Search Services.  This weekly contact does not have to be virtual/in person visits every week, it could consist of email communication, text messages, phone calls, etc.  Contact should include in person or virtual visits at least once per month.  Document Team Service from the case home screen.

Job Seeking Skills:

TEAM SERVICE ONLY. Skill building in job seeking skills including resume and cover letter development, filling out applications, interview preparation, Internet job search, and assistance with self-advocacy.

All Job Seeking Skills (JSS) participants MUST have an approved IPE, as this is a planned service.  JSS consists of four main areas:

  • How to, and where to, search for relevant employment opportunities.
  • How to appropriately complete a job application, as well as having a resume.  It should be noted that for many professions, you should discuss tailoring the resume to each job application.
  • Interview skills, to include mock interviews as appropriate.
  • Appropriate grooming and attire, as well as the ability to self-advocate.

Job Seeking Skills can be completed in one of two ways:

  • Completing the JSS curriculum, either one on one, or with a group of clients
  • Individual discussion with client that covers the four overarching topics of JSS, to include follow up on any areas where the client needs further support.

Specialist should discuss these options with client so they can agree which format would work best.

Client Participation in the JSS workshop or in individual instruction will be documented in QE2.  Document Team Service from the case home screen, or by selecting the JSS Notice.

Job Search Agreement:

A Job Search Agreement (JSA) will be completed for all job seekers once a referral to placement services is made.  The document should be completed with the client, and should set paraments for the job search, as well as what the Specialist and the Client agree to do while the case is in job placement services.

A team review of the Job Search Agreement will be completed every 90 days until placement has occurred.  This should include staffing the case, as well as going over the JSA with the client to see if any changes should be made.

Advocacy with Employers:

As appropriate, VR Specialist should be advocating with employers on behalf of the client.  Specialist should obtain permission from client prior to engaging in employer advocacy.  If a client does not wish for Specialist to reach out to employers on their behalf, Specialist should discuss with client the option of only providing outreach to employers with whom VR has already established a strong relationship.  If client agrees to the option, Specialist can proceed with these outreaches.  If client does not agree, this should be documented in a task note, and they would proceed with providing other job search services directly to the client.  

Employer advocacy can include any of the following:

  • Picking up and returning job applications to employers
  • Contacting employers for current job openings/referring client for available position
  • Setting up or attending job interviews with client
  • Following up with employers on client’s behalf, either after application submission or after interview
  • Progressive Employment activities, such as Job Shadow, Informational Interview, Mock Interview, On-The-Job Experience (OJE), and Employer Tours.  These activities can be a soft touch approach to introduce the client and the employer. Worksite experiences assist in determining if the job site is a good match and will hopefully lead to a successful placement.  


Employer Database:

Staff are expected to create new and update existing employer records in order for the Employer Database to be a beneficial resource from planning to employment.

Any substantial conversations with employers should be documented in contact notes in the employer database.  

  • Search the Employer Database before creating a new Employer Record to avoid duplicate records.
  • Record contacts with an employer when a direct placement has occurred, a job lead has been provided or developed, the employer is open to an informational interview, job shadow, tour, OJE or On-The-Job Training (OJT), training is being provided to the business, or new or revised employer information has been received.
  • Update the Employer Contact Status as necessary. (Prospective, Active, Inactive)
  • Share new or updated employer information in team meetings.

Employment Follow Up:

TEAM SERVICE ONLY. Assistance and support in maintaining successful and stable employment. Service begins once client obtains the job for which VR is supporting them. NOTEFollow Up is required on all VR cases (non-SE and SE).

Follow up contacts with the client will be made at least twice within the first 30 days of employment, and at minimum once a month thereafter, until case is closed or the client has completed the transition to extended services.  

A follow-up contact with the employer will be made within the first 30 days of employment. If the client does not wish for VR to reach out to their employer directly, this should be documented in the Employer 30 Day Follow Up Notice or by documenting the Team Service in the case home screen.

Respond to employer concerns within one business day.

Respond to client issues within one business day.

Document all Team Services in the case home screen.


Employment Success Skills:

TEAM SERVICE ONLY. Skill building in appropriate work behaviors, self-esteem, stress management to help to maintain employment.

This service should be utilized whenever client needs additional assistance in maintaining employment.  Specialist can work with client on such things as:  

  • Social interactions with coworkers
  • Appropriate communications with supervisor
  • Staying on task
  • Following instructions
  • Managing stress
  • Reliability and punctuality (to work, break times, lunch, etc.)


 Staff are required to all Document Team Services in the case home screen.


  1. Once IPE is written, with Job Search Assistance included as a Service, and client is ready to actively job seek, a Placement Services Referral should be made in QE2.  
  2. Placement Specialist or Counseling Specialist should reach out to client to set up their first meeting.  Best practice is for this to be a warm hand off meeting between both Specialists and client (if Placement Specialist has not already been involved with client).
  3. Placement Specialist should complete Job Seeking Skills with client in the agreed upon format (individual with curriculum, group with curriculum, individual customized).  Document Team Service in case home screen.  Ensure JSS service is also listed on plan.
  1. Develop a joint agreement (client and team members) for job search using the Job Search Agreement form.
    1. Define roles and responsibilities of the client and the specialist.
    2. Identify needed individualized employment services.
    3. Establish weekly contact schedule and method, which may include both individual and/or group employment meetings.
    4. Identify job search parameters
    5. Address potential employment barriers and possible solutions.
    6. Discuss advantages of employer contact and advocacy.
  2. Specialist and client meet regularly, with a minimum of weekly contact (email, texting, phone call, virtual meeting, in person meeting).  The following should also be completed as part of active job search:
    1. Complete a Job Facts Guide
    2. Provide internet access at VR Office for online job searching.
    3. Provide assistance with employer contacts and applications.
    4. Encourage regular attendance.
    5. Document all Team Services.
  3. Client should be actively engaged in job search process, partnering with Specialist to find competitive, integrated, permanent employment.
  4. Employer advocacy should be accessed in order to assist client with finding employment and maintain positive relationships with local businesses.  
  5. Job Search Agreement must be reviewed every 90 days.  The following should be taken into account at the time of each review:
    1. Has there been consistent weekly contact? If not, why?
    2. Has the client followed through on leads and attending interviews? If not, why?
    3. Has the Employment Specialist been advocating to employers on the client's behalf? If not, why?
    4. Are there deficits in job-seeking skills?
    5. Are disability issues causing problems? Are any accommodations needed?
    6. Is the job goal still appropriate to the skills and the labor market? If not, why?
    7. Are there any different employment areas to be considered?
    8. Do team members have ideas about possible employers to contact?
    9. Is there any indication other barriers are affecting the job search? 
    10. Consider the suitability of the client remaining in employment services or being referred back to the referring specialist to develop more skills or resolve issues negatively impacting the job search before re-starting the job search. A new job search agreement should be updated at this point.
  6. Ensure all meetings and contacts, including email, text communication and phone calls, that are substantive conversations are documented as Team Services in the case home screen.
  7. Ensure all contacts that are to schedule/reschedule appointments, as well as any documentation of cancellations or no shows are documented as task notes.
  8. Staff case at WIN meeting prior to engaging in worksite activities.
  9. Ensure all business contacts are documented in Employer Database.


Additional Notes


  • Placement Specialist, Counseling Specialist and Client should all be involved and in agreement if a change in job goal is decided upon.
  • If at any point in time, client is unable to participate in active job search for a month or longer, Placement Services Referral should be ended and client should be referred back to Counselor until they are ready and able to continue actively job seeking.  Examples of reasons to move out of Placement Referral include (but not limited to): Surgery, health issues, family concerns, legal concerns, etc.
  1. Once client has gained competitive, permanent employment, and Specialist and client agree this is the job VR is supporting, the client enters Employment Follow Up. Placement Services Referral does not need to end when the client enters Employment Follow Up.
    1. If client secures a job, but it is not the job for which they are seeking VR support, the employment information can be entered into QE2, but the EF (Employment Follow Up) button should NOT be selected.  Instead, job placement services continue.  
    2. If this is the job VR is supporting, enter employment information into QE2, and select the EF (Employment Follow Up) button. NOTE: The 90-day clock for successful case closure can begin at the maximum date of:
      • the employment date for the VR supported job (Follow-Up); or 
      • the end date of any authorization not paid in full; or 
      • the payment date of authorizations paid in full. Please refer to the Post Employment Chapter for further guidance surrounding this. 
  2. Counseling Specialist should be notified of job placement.
  3. Placement Specialist should check in with client a minimum of twice in the first month, and once a month thereafter, until case closure or the client has completed the transition to extended services.  Document Team Service of Employment Follow Up in case home screen.
  4. Specialist should, with permission of client, contact employer a minimum of once in the first 30 days to ensure employer is satisfied with client’s performance.  If client does not give permission for Specialist to contact employer, this should be documented in the QE2 notice for employer outreach. 
  5. Responses to employer or client concerns should be completed within one business day.
  6. If, at any time, employment ends unsuccessfully, follow up services should be ended by ending the client’s employment in the Employment History screen.  The client would re-start in active placement services (upon client’s agreement).  A new Job Search Agreement should be completed, and additional JSS supports should be explored.  
  7. Once the client has been employed for a minimum of 90 days without post-employment services, and is eligible and ready for closure, one final contact with client should be made to assure all case closure requirements have been met and secure their agreement to closure of case. (see Successful Outcome chapter).
  8. All substantive contacts and follow up activities should be documented as a Team Service (Process, Notice or +Team Service).  All employer contacts should be documented in Employer Database.


Approved Date
January 09, 2024 Show this Archived Version
May 06, 2022 Show this Archived Version
April 11, 2022 Show this Archived Version
October 02, 2018 Show this Archived Version

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