Where your future begins

Payment Inquiry

Categorized In: Operations - NIS Information

Approved Date: August 08, 2022

Owner: Cathy Callaway


If a payment has been made in E1, use this to look up the warrant/EFT payment and the date the payment was made.


To find a payment in NIS you need the ABN of the provider/client.


  1. Log on to E1
  2. Go to State of Nebraska > Accounts Payable > Inquires & Reports > Acounts Payable Inquiries > Voucher Invoice Inquiry
  3. Enter the Address Book Number in as the Supplier Number and select Find (magnifying glass). This will identify all payments made to that ABN
  4. Dates:

Invoice date = date Associate entered in QE2 as the invoice date

G/L Date = date the payment was entered in E1; if after monthly cut-off will be the first of the next month

Due Date = date payment will be made based on the payment terms Associate entered in QE2

      5 . If the Open Amount column is blank, check the box on the left of the payment line, go to Row (in the header) and select Payment History

Payment Type = EFT (PT) or check (PK)

Payment Number = Warrant number

Payment Date = date the warrant was written. Checks are mailed the following day; EFT payments are made that day.

      6.  Open Amount =  if the amount is filled in, payment has not been made



Approved Date
February 10, 2020 Show this Archived Version
October 02, 2018 Show this Archived Version

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