Where your future begins

Supported Employment & ID Customized Employment - Behavioral Health, Acquired Brain Injury, Autism, Intellectual Disabilities (ID/DD)

Status: Archived

Approved Date: May 15, 2017

  • Follow the same VR processes as with a non-Supported Employment case from referral through outcome/termination.
  • Refer a client who receives Social Security Benefits for a Benefits Orientation.
  • Confirm 
    • Client has an appropriate diagnosis for the Supported Employment Program that will be providing SE services.
    • Client meets requirements for Supported Employment.
    • QE2 case is in Priority I.  
    • Identify all disabilities of the client and assess the impact on Employment.
    • Determine whether DD/ID client may require Customized Employment.  If so authorize for Discovery Process prior to plan development.
  • Develop the IPE – Supported Employment or Customized. The plan mutually developed by the client and VR specialist should include other needed VR services. Refer as needed for other services such as Assistive Technology, Benefits Planning and Analysis or other programs. Service Providers may be included in the development of the plan.
  • Enter IPE in QE2.
  • Send copies of IPE-SE, any pertinent re-releasable records or a letter verifying disability(s), benefits orientation/analysis summary, vocational assessment information, the Discover the Job that Works for You booklet or other career planning/work history documents and the Nebraska VR ABI Screen form if completed to the Provider.
  • Send a copy of IPE to the DD Service Coordinator on all ID/ DD clients.
  • Authorize for the Supported Employment Service Milestones that will likely be completed in the current fiscal year, per the appropriate Milestone Schedule for the client's diagnosed disability: 
    • Behavioral Health (including Transitional Employment) - up to a total of $4000 plus BH long term supports
    • ABI & Autism - up to a total of $7,000 including long term supports paid by VR
    • Intellectual Disabilities (ID) Supported Employment - up to a total $6000 plus DD long term supports
    • Intellectual Disabilities (ID) Customized Employment-up to a total of $7000 plus DD long term supports
  • Provider submits Standard Reporting Forms for payment for each milestone. 
    • Supported Employment Milestone Payment Schedule – Behavioral Health Employment
    • Supported Employment Milestone Payment Schedule - ABI and Autism 
    • Supported Employment Milestone Payment Schedule-Intellectual Disabilities (DD) (ID)
    • Customized Employment Milestone Payment Schedule-Intellectual Disabilities (DD) (ID) 
  • Move client to “Services Initiated: Employment Services” in QE 2.
  • Use appropriate Milestone Payment Standards as a guide to process payments and QE 2 services.
  • Track and authorize for additional milestones in sequence as the case progresses.
  • Send copies of the ID/DD Milestone Payment Report Sheets to the client's DD Service Coordinator.
  • VR liaison meets with Supported Employer Provider monthly for client progress reports. Enter client progress QE 2 task notes.
  • VR liaison meets with client face to face/telephone a minimum of every 90 days to verify progress and satisfaction with services.
  • VR liaison and Client agrees with Provider to every milestone payment and to successful outcome or discharge from the Supported Employment Program.
  • VR Specialist must have contact with client prior to closure to ensure job satisfaction and the move to long-term supports. 
    • Successful Closure: Follow the VR Program Manual: Closing the Case-Successful Outcome. (Link to chapter)
    • Termination: VR Specialist must agree to any discharge from the SE program. Follow VR Program Manual: Closing the Case-Termination.
  1. Follow the same VR processes as with non-Supported Employment cases.
    • Referral
    • Employment Discussion & Application
    • Eligibility
    • Benefits Orientation
    • Career Exploration
    • Discovery used for ID/DD Customized Employment
    • Individualized Plan for Employment
    • Must be a Priority 1 with a diagnosis that is appropriate to the planned Supported Employment Program
    • Consider all disabilities a client has when developing an IPE and needed supports
    • ID/DD clients must be eligible for services from HHS-Developmental Disabilities
  2. Complete the provider referral form.
  3. Send copies of IPE-SE, any pertinent re-releasable records verifying primary and secondary disabilities impacting employment, or a letter verifying disability(s) and names of diagnosing medical personnel, benefits orientation/analysis summary, vocational assessment information, the Discover the Job that Works for You booklet or other career planning/work history documents and the Nebraska VR ABI Screen form if one was completed.
  4. Send Copy of IPE and all Milestone Reporting Form and the 30 Day Reporting Form must be sent to the DD Service Coordinator.
  5. Authorize for the Supported Employment Service Milestones that will likely be completed in the current fiscal year, per the appropriate milestone schedule for the client's diagnosed disability:
    • Behavioral Health (including Transitional Employment) - up to a total of $4000
    • ABI & Autism - up to a total of $7,000
    • Intellectual Disabilities (ID)  Supported Employment-up to a total of $6000
    • Intellectual Disabilities (ID) Customized Employment-up to a total of $7000
  6. Move the case into the appropriate milestone and activity in QE2 as the case progresses through the SE Milestones.
    • Consult the appropriate Supported Employment Milestone Payment Schedule for the appropriate QE2 Milestone and Activity.
    • Track and authorize for additional milestones in sequence as the case progresses.
  7. Meet with the Supported Employment Provider a minimum of monthly to review client progress.
    • Enter a monthly progress task note in QE 2.
  8. Meet with the client face to face/telephone a minimum of every 90 days to verify his/her progress and satisfaction.
    • Enter a meeting summary task note in QE 2.
  9. Approve payments of provider invoices only if accompanied by the specified Milestone Reporting forms.
    • Consult the appropriate Supported Employment Payment Schedule for reporting requirements.
  10. Contact the client prior to successful outcome or termination closure.

Individuals served in the Supported Employment must be in Priority Group 1.  All disabilities must be explored for impact on employment.

Compensation must be at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by non-disabled individuals, at the time of transition to long-term support services.  

Any limitations in work hours or level of pay must result directly from the client’s disability-related impediments that cannot be overcome by services.

Benefits include worker's compensation, paid holidays, paid vacations, paid sick time, health insurance, etc. The client must receive the same benefits available to any other employee of the company or service provider (when the service provider is the employer).

Employment must be competitive and integrated.  

Job placement must be in an integrated setting means a setting typically found in community competitive employment in which individuals with disabilities interact with non-disabled individuals (other than those who are providing services to them) to the same extent that non-disabled individuals in comparable positions interact with other individuals.

Supported employment services are intended for those individuals for whom, because the severity of his/her disabilities, competitive employment has not been achieved, or has been intermittent or interrupted, and who will need continuing support to maintain integrated competitive employment.

The concept of “place and train” is central to supported employment. The individual is placed into an integrated competitive employment setting, and then provided with the necessary training and other supports and services needed to acquire job performance skills.

Customized Supported Employment is based on individual determination of the client's strengths, needs and interests that is designed to meet both the individual's needs and the business needs of the employer.  The Service Provider customizes a job description.

The primary role of vocational rehabilitation in supported employment is to fund the initial training and other supports and services needed to achieve stable job performance. Other agencies, organizations, and individuals (including natural supports at the workplace or in the community) have the primary role of providing the long-term support services needed to maintain the employment and stable job performance. Before completing an IPE for supported employment services, VR staff, the client, the client’s parent or guardian and service provider should explore and identify all possible sources of long-term support including funding sources, and document them in the client’s case file. In some cases, a combination of supports may best meet the client’s needs. Benefits Orientation/Analysis may be helpful in identifying long-term support options and funding sources. The client, parent or guardian and supported employment service provider should clearly understand that if no source of continuing support is identified or if there is no reasonable expectation that the source(s) will become available, that VR is not able to provide or fund continuing support services.

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