Where your future begins

OJE - On the Job Evaluation

Status: Archived

Approved Date: February 10, 2020

*  During Order of Selection use CWA- Community Work Assessment to determine eligibility and prioritization until further notice.

Paid State OJE

1. Determine the need for a Paid OJE that matches the client’s occupational interests, training and job readiness issues.
2. Consult with the VR Benefits Specialist along with client if he/she is an SSDI and/or SSI recipient, the potential impact the wages from the OJE will have on his/her benefits.
3. Locate an employer who is willing and able to provide an assessment/evaluation site for the OJE.
4. Negotiate the essential details of the OJE (start and end dates, evaluation schedule, knowledge, skills, abilities and/ or behaviors to be evaluated and the agreed upon level of follow-up).

Complete a "Request for Certificate of Self-Insurance" if employer requests written documentation of workers' compensation coverage. See Form section below.

5. Enter the Assessment Service “Community Assessment” and the Assessment Support Service “On the Job Evaluation” in QE2 if not already entered.
6. Complete the Consent for a Paid On-the-Job Evaluation or On-the-Job Training Placement form and obtain signature of the client and a VR representative.
7. Complete the I-9, W-4, and W-4N with the client. The local office I-9 Contact should either be the staff member completing these forms with the client or reviewing the documents prior to submittal.

  • Follow instructions on the W-4 and the W-4N.
  • Verify I-9 information with List A documents (U.S. Passport, Permanent Alien Registration Card, Employment Authorization Document with photograph, etc.) or with one List B identity document (Driver’s License, State ID, School ID with picture, etc,) and one List C employment authorization document (Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, Employment Authorization Document without photograph, etc.).
  • Make copies of identification documentation (driver’s license, Soc Sec card, etc.)
  • Verify the birth date on the I-9 with the birth date in QE2.
  • Enter the actual start date of the OJE on the I-9.

8. Complete the Direct Deposit Information form (always) and the FOCUS Card Sign-up Form if the client elects the debit card. Provide the client with the On-line Access to Pay Stub information.
9. Complete the OJE / OJT Information Form.
10. Scan the I-9, identification documentation, W-4, W-4N, OJE / OJT Information Form, Direct Deposit and FOCUS Card Sign-up form (if electing the debit card) and e-mail to nde.hr@nebraska.gov and vr.sofiscal@nebraska.gov as soon as possible in order receive approval prior to the OJE start date. Enter the First Name Initial and Full Last Name of the client in the Subject line of the email.
11. Prepare Case Service Authorization as usual with NE DEPT OF EDUCATION-Rehab Client Training as the provider.

  • Include hourly rate and number of hours
  • For total encumbrance that includes FICA, multiply hourly rate X maximum hours X 1.0765.
  • Include name, address, and phone number of OJE job site Provider.

12. Upon State Office approval, print the authorization. OJE cannot start until authorization has been approved. Once approved, State Office will mail a letter to the client with the User ID and Password needed to access their paystub.
13. Upon acknowledgment of receipt by NDE HR, shred original documents.
14. Prepare the OJE/OJT Letter Checklist, OJE Letter and State OJE/OJT Timesheet/Invoice.
15. Give OJE Letter, Timesheets, Bi-Weekly Payroll Schedule and any assessment report to be used to the work site supervisor prior to start of the OJE.
16. If OJE is being done within VR, please submit "Request Temporary Access" form.
17. Instruct work site supervisor where and when to submit Time Sheets.
18. Monitor OJE as agreed upon with on-site supervisor who will provide verbal feedback on client's performance at least monthly and the VR Specialist or designee will document the information on the On-the-Job Report form.

The assessment/evaluation results are verbally provided by the employer to the VR Specialist or their designee at a minimum of once per month. The VR Specialist or designee will complete the On-the-Job Report. This includes the employer's ratings of the client for Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory and Exceeds Expectation.

19. Process OJE Timesheet/Invoice

  • The OJE on-site supervisor should send the OJE Time Sheet to the VR Specialist by the due date/time on the Bi-weekly Payroll Schedule in order to pay the client according to the Bi-weekly Payroll Schedule.
  • Specialist signs the OJE Time Sheet verifying the hours worked and approving payment and gives to the Associate
  • Associate must verify:
  1. Signature of client, supervisor and specialist are on the timesheet 
  2. Client, supervisor and specialist signatures are dated after the last day worked
  3. All data on the timesheet is legible
  4. Time worked has been converted into decimal hours (conversion chart attached to chapter)
  5. Calculations are correct
  • Associate makes a payment in QE2 by entering the number of hours worked and rate per hour from the timesheet. QE2 automatically figures FICA;
  • Once payment is made in QE2, Associate emails the timesheet to NDE Central Accounting (nde.centralaccounting@nebraska.gov);
  • NDE Central Accounting verifies that the payment information entered in QE2 matches the timesheet submitted and exports for payment on the next bi-weekly payroll;
  • If there is a discrepancy between the timesheet and QE2, or errors on the timesheet that need to be resolved, NDE Central Accounting staff will contact the VR associate on the timesheet;
  • IIf changes are needed, the Associate will delete the invoice in QE2 and re-enter with the correct information. Invoices in QE2 can be deleted as long as Central Accounting has not processed (exported) the invoice for payment;
  • Timesheets emailed or entered in QE2 after the due date/time on the BI-Weekly Payroll schedule will be held for the next bi-weekly payroll;
  • Once invoices have been exported by NDE Central Accounting for payment, the bi-weekly date (e.g. (BW-10/24/2018) will display as the Batch # on the invoice in QE2.

NOTE: The Department of Health and Human Services should not count OJE Wages as 'income', because it is not considered income by VR when determining benefits they provide. If the VR Specialist receives a Verification Request form from DHHS regarding the OJE income, the specialist should complete it along with an Income Under WIOA form and return to DHHS.

20. Changes to OJE

      A. Additional hours - if additional hours are added to an OJE beyond what was on the original authorization and OJE/OJT Information Form:

  • Obtain OD approval in a task note if revision causes total hours to exceed 90 hours;
  • Complete a new authorization in QE2 for the additional hours.

     B.   Extending end date - if the end date of an OJE needs to be extended:

  • Extend the end date on the original authorization in QE2 to the new end date.

NOTE: Central Accounting does not need to be notified of date extensions or additional hours added to an existing OJE.

21. New OJE

      If a client is starting a new OJE (different job), complete the OJE/OJT Information form and email to NDE HR (NDE.HR@nebraska.gov).

22. Completion or Termination of OJE

  • Confirm completion or termination of OJE with OJE site supervisor and client.
  • Notify Associate of OJE Completion/Termination.
  • Associate verifies that all time sheets have been accounted for and then e-mails NDE HR (nde.hr@nebraska.gov) and NDE Central Accounting (nde.centralaccounting@nebraska.gov) the client name and termination/completion date. Subject of email should be "OJE Ended".
  • NDE Central Accounting will activate/inactivate clients in E-1 as needed according to VR’s spreadsheet but will no longer monitor client termination status.

23. Document Outcome of OJE in a Task note titled either OJE-Completed or OJE-Terminated.

Non-Paid OJE

1. Determine the need for a Non-paid OJE that matches the client’s job goal, abilities, interests and labor market demands.
2. Locate an employer who is willing and able to provide an assessment/evaluation site for a Non-paid OJE.
3. Negotiate the essential details of the Non-paid OJE (start and end dates, evaluation schedule, knowledge, skills, abilities and/ or behaviors to be evaluated and the agreed upon level of general supervision by VR).

Provide employer a copy of the Volunteer/Non-Paid Accident Coverage Letter if requested. See Forms section below.

4. Enter the Assessment Service “Community Assessment”  in QE2. Assessment Support Services: On the Job Evaluation is not needed. Other Assessment Support Services (job coach, interpreter, etc.) may be needed.
5. Complete the Consent for a Non-Paid On-the-Job Evaluation or On-the-Job Training Placement form and obtain signature of the client and a VR representative.
6. Complete paperwork per these instructions.

  • Prepare the OJE/OJT Letter Checklist and OJE Letter.
  • Give OJE Letter to work site supervisor prior to start of the OJE.
  • Work site supervisor will provide verbal feedback on client's performance at least monthly and the VR Specialist or designee will document the information on the On-the-Job Report form.
  • If OJE is being done within VR, please submit "Request Temporary Access" form

7. Provide general supervision of Non-paid OJE.
8. Confirm completion or termination of Non-paid OJE with exploration/assessment site and client.
9. Document Outcome of Non-paid OJE in a Task note titled either Non-Paid OJE-Completed or Non-paid OJE-Terminated.

Types of OJE:

  • Paid OJE - Conducted with a government office (federal, state, county, or city) or a private business with the client being set up and paid as a student worker on the Department of Education payroll. The client chooses whether to be paid by direct deposit to a checking or savings account or by a debit card. Liability coverage for this arrangement is covered by Workers’ Compensation.
  • Non-paid OJE - Conducted at any employment site with the client not receiving a wage or being set up as employee. The VR agency is responsible for the general supervision of the client at the evaluation site. Liability coverage for this arrangement is covered by the State of Nebraska's blanket accident policy. Call 1-800-346-7692 and hit #1 for Claims. Policy Holder: State of Nebraska Policy Number: SRG 0009141321-B

OJE Wage:

  • Paid OJE - Federal minimum wage plus FICA with no benefits.
  • Paid OJE - Wages are paid according to the Bi-Weekly Payroll Schedule.
  • Paid OJE - Wages are not intended to cover the basic living costs of a client during assessment. NOTE: The department of Health and Human Services should not count OJE Wages as 'income', because it is not considered income by VR when determining benefits they provide. If the VR Specialist receives a Verification Request form from DHHS regarding the OJE income, the specialist should complete it along with an Income Under WIOA form and return to DHHS.

Background Screening for OJE Placements Required by the Employer:

  • In OJE situations where the employer requires a background screen, VR may conduct the background screen for the employer. VR must inform employers that our background screens are limited in scope and may not include all charges. In situations where employers wish to complete their own background screen VR can reimburse the employers for their cost in conducting the background screen.

Income Tax and FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act)/Medicare):

  • Paid OJE - Income from an OJE is not exempt from income tax; hence, the client will be issued a W-2 by the employer of record in January. FICA/Medicare deductions are taken and matched by the employer of record. For SSDI/SSI beneficiaries, the Social Security Administration (SSA) considers any earned income where FICA/Medicare deductions are withheld as wages.

Length of OJE and Schedule:

  • Paid OJE is recommended for 90 hours, however can be extended past the 90 hours with Office Director approval.
  • Non-paid OJE - Limited to 95 hours on any one OJE placement.
  • Vocational exploration 5 hours
  • Vocational assessment 90 hours
  • Paid and Non-paid OJE - Cannot exceed 40 hours in a workweek.

Termination of OJE:

  • Paid and Non-paid OJE - May be terminated by the assessment/evaluation site, VR or the client.


  • Paid and Non-paid OJE - There is no expectation of the assessment/evaluation site to hire a client following an OJE.

Multiple On-the-Job Evaluations:

  • More than one OJE can be conducted if appropriate.

Injury/Accident Reporting:

  • Paid-OJE - To report an injury/accident requiring medical attention or to report an injury/accident with no medical attention, staff need to contact NDE HR at 402.471.5026 to obtain the necessary forms/process on behalf of the client. Follow-up by completing and submitting the attached Client Incident/Accident/Injury Report form. Liability coverage for this arrangement is covered by Workers’ Compensation.
  • Non-paid OJE - Conducted at any employment site with the client not receiving a wage or being set up as employee. The VR agency is responsible for the general supervision of the client at the evaluation site. Liability coverage for this arrangement is covered by the State of Nebraska's blanket accident policy. Call 1-800-346-7692 and hit #1 for Claims. Policy Holder: State of Nebraska Policy Number: SRG 0009141321-B. Follow-up by completing and submitting the attached Client Incident/Accident/Injury Report form.

On-the-Job Report

Choose what experience the report is needed for from the pull-down menu at the top. In the same location, a reminder of frequency of completion is listed (note: timelines vary). VR staff are responsible for completing this document. If a job coach or someone at the work site prefers to fill it out, document that preference and follow up to inquire further, ensuring VR is getting detailed and usable feedback.

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