Status: Archived
Approved Date: August 17, 2021
Nebraska VR is committed to promoting each client’s satisfaction and engagement in his or her rehabilitation plan and services. Research indicates that one of the reasons for client disengagement from the VR program is how long it takes to move through the system.
By regularly contacting the client at least once every 30 days during the VR process, such contacts keep the client informed of what is transpiring with his or her case, allows his or her questions to be promptly asked and answered, allows for timely self-report on progress and/or issues impacting his or her progress, and promotes the client feeling connected to and supported by the VR program throughout the whole process. On occasion and if agreed upon by the client and counselor, an alternative timeframe can be arranged when necessary but needs to be documented in the file with the agreed upon time for contact.
Periodically, the client and specialist should mutually agree upon what type of contact is to be made by considering the client’s current milestone, activity and circumstance. A documented monthly contact may be any one of the following.
The standard of what is an effective contact is one that accomplishes or addresses any presenting activity/task, purpose, need, concern or issue of the client or the specialist with a mutually agreed upon next action to keep the case moving. All major decisions need to be documented in the task notes.(See attached for specific time lines for services)
Task Note Requirements Case Record documentation by activity:
REFERRAL process - include
Enter referral data into QE2. Include date, reason for referral, appointment time, any accommodations needed, others (guardian, parent, agency) to include in the meeting, etc.
File copy of referral form and individual’s Confirmation Letter/Notice in case file, if completed. Complete VR Orientation in the Assessment Services Screen; or if not complete, enter a task note title: Orientation
QE2 will automatically create a TASK note of previously closed cases. VR staff need to explore and note the reasons for previous unsuccessful termination(s) Task note titled: Decision on Referral of Previously Terminated Unsuccessful Cases
INITIAL MEETING to include the following: The Initial Meeting may take more than one session to complete. If using the Summary of Initial Meeting form, only one form is needed to summarize all the sessions. A Task Note summary is required for each Initial Meeting session. File the copy of the VR Application and Release of Information and any other forms completed into the case file.
Document if the individual decides not to apply for services.
ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION- File copies of any documentation used to arrive at eligibility decision in case file
Eligible - Complete QE2 Eligibility Determination of impairment(s) and assign priority group
Eligibility Extension - Complete QE2 Eligibility Extension screen. See Eligibility & Eligibility Extensions
Ineligible - Complete QE2 Eligibility Determination screen and file the copy of Office Directors Letter in case file. See Ineligible, No Longer Eligible
Summary of 30 DAY CLIENT CONTACT (in person, by phone, email, text or letters) Every 30 days, there should be contact with the client documented in the QE2 record or case file.
What is a Contact? A contact is an actual interaction with the client (face-to-face, phone call, e-mail with reply, or letter with reply). The contact must provide an indication of what is/has occurred in the case within the previous 30 days as far as planning/initiating services, progress/lack of progress in a service, and/or completion/termination of a service.
If there has been a disruption, delay or lack of participation in services, the contact documentation should identify the corrective action to be taken in the next 90 days.Note unsuccessful attempted client contacts and no shows; when a client or staff member does not show for an appointment
Vocational Evaluation; the date the client is referred, scheduled and completed.
Completion of Vocational Evaluation task noted with and summary of results Vocational Evaluation Report to include strengths, barriers, interests, impairment(s), VR & community service recommendations and summary.
Justification for any CWA, OJE or WBLE and summarize the goals of the experience. Outcome/result of activity.
Justification for providing post-secondary training as an assessment service. Outcome/result of activity.
IPE Approvals, Amendments and Annual Reviews Complete QE2 screens.
Exception Rationale (moved up top)
Office Director or Program Director Approval or Disapproval
Justification for ALL purchases
Verification that items purchased by ‘cash advance’ were obtained and method of verification
TRAINING Document completion or termination of academic and/or worksite training with a summary of the results. Obtain grades and/or progress reports for case file.
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: utilize QE2 Placement screen. Employment Services.
Document in task notes:
Referral to JSS & Job Placement
Completion of a Job Search Agreement form and place copy in case file.
Weekly contacts
Completion of a 90-Day Review of Job Search Agreement. Place copy in case file.
Results of background Screening results, if needed.
Employment Follow up:
Document follow up contacts with the client will be made at least twice within the first 30 days of employment, and at 60 and 90 days. For any job maintenance issues identified, describe what strategies will be implemented.
A follow up contact with the employer will be made within the first 30 days of employment, if VR advocated on behalf of the client with the employer. Assess the employer’s impression of the client’s progress on the job. For any job retention issues identified, describe what strategies will be implemented.
Case Closure Documentation: Task note summary of closure reason/case outcome.
For Voter Registration: Enter a task note stating the date the Voter Registration form was mailed/submitted to the election commissioner or county clerk and include if at the time of application, annual review or a change of address. Follow the steps outlined in the Program Manual Chapter: Assisting Individuals with Disabilities to Register to Vote.
For Benefits Services:
1. Document that a referral for Benefits services is made to client’s chosen provider. Note type of service—Benefits Orientation, Benefits Assessment, Benefits Planning, Benefits Management, or PASS Development.
2. Following the completion of any type of Benefits Service, document the outcome of the service in a task note titled to match the service provided (Benefits Orientation, Benefits Assessment, Benefits Planning, PASS development, and Benefits Management.)
TASK Note content:
All major decisions need documented.
Client contact documentation is required every 30 days, at a minimum for active VR cases.