Self Employment Definition:
- Generate excess cash flow from profitable operations by providing specific goods, products or billable services through at least 51% ownership of the business; earn income directly from one's own trade or profession.
- Attain financial independence by maximizing earning capacity based on individual disability.
Other Definitions:
1. VR Specialist- Counselor in the office with whom the case originates. This person could be a bachelors or a masters level specialist.
2. VR Self Employment Specialist- Counselor in the office who receives self employment referrals.
3. VR Self Employment Program Specialist- Specialist who assists in Self Employment cases statewide. This person is also the liaison between the field and the Self Employment Team, as well as the field and the person contracted to complete Feasibility and Business Planning.
4. Professional Technical Assistance- any training required to start up or maintain a business. Examples include; accounting/Quickbooks, equipment operation, etc. All professional technical assistance is funded as part of the start up costs and provided by non-contract vendors.
5. Feasibility Study- Study completed to determine the viability of a self employment goal. Job goal, functional limitations, supports, and labor market information are examples of things that are evaluated as part of this process. A positive feasibility study is required in order to move forward with business planning.
6. Self Employment Consultation- services provided by a contracted consultant to complete a feasibility assessment.
7. Business Plan Implementation/Revision- services provided ONLY by contracted consultant for capability statement, business plan revision and business expansion/stabilization.
- Capability Statement - statement required by businesses desiring to acquire federal contracts. Federal contractors are being required to submit a Capability Statement as part of the competitive screening process.
- Expansion/stabilization Report - clients already operating a business and in need of support in the growth or stabilization of the business.
- Business Plan Revision - utilized when revision to a business plan are determined necessary and agreed upon by client and self employment team.
Self-Employment Orientation and In-Depth Self-Employment Exploration and Discussion.
- Provide general information on the Self-Employment Process when a client expresses interest so a client can make an informed choice. If client wishes to pursue Supported Self Employment all steps apply. (See: Checklist 1; Use the Self-Employment tools - Advantages & Disadvantages of Self-Employment and Green Flags/Red Flags {located in Forms & Tools.} ) (If client is requesting Supported Self Employment, use Supported Self Employment Checklist in conjunction with the others.)
- If the client wishes to pursue in-depth exploration of Self-Employment, refer her/him to the Self-Employment VR Specialist.
- Document discussion results in QE 2 including the specific red flags and green flags identified.
- The client completes the Self Employment Questionnaire with or without assistance. Authorize to a DD provider of client's choice if client is choosing Supported Self Employment. The VR Specialist and the client discuss and analyze the Questionnaire. The purpose is to provide guidance and to address disability and vocational issues that impact the business idea.
- The VR Specialist refers the client to a VR evaluator to assess bookkeeping and business skills. The current evals required for assessment are RAI Math, and the following Kenexas--Business Etiquette, Basic Office Skills (No Math) and Business Income Tax (this one is only required if they plan to do the business income taxes themselves). If Kenexas are unavailable, please confer with the Self Employment Team for alternative assessments. It should also be noted that the evaluator SHOULD NOT be making determiniations of the feasibility of Self Employment based on the results of the evaluations.
- If the client is a Social Security recipient, complete necessary releases and refer to VR Benefits Specialist for a general benefits orientation.
- The client completes the personal finance sheets.
- If the client and VR Self Employment Specialist agree to the next step of Feasibility Assessment, contact the Program Specialist for Self Employment to review the self employment packet.
- After review of the packet, the Program Specialist for Self Employment sets up a meeting to review all of the materials for feasibility with the Self Employment Team and the VR Specialist.
- Program Specialist for Self Employment completes a TASK entry in QE2 summarizing the basis for the decision of the above meeting.
- Self Employment Specialist refers for a Feasibility Assessment. The referral includes all the required information and the authorization for services including mileage over 25 miles. Enter in QE 2 as Assessment Support-Self-Employment –Consultation (See provider information under forms & tools)
- If the client and VR Self Employment Specialist choose not to pursue self-employment at this time, refer the client back to the originating VR Specialist to explore other services. Task note basis of decision and why in QE-2.
Conduct the Feasibility Assessment
- The Business Consultant will conduct a Feasibility Assessment. It will include: a determination if the business concept is feasible: determination of sufficient demand for a product or service; determination if client possesses the technical, interpersonal and managerial skills to run a business and other information. It will also include development of: a general market concept feasibility: a general market feasibility; a financial analysis and a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis.
- Business Consultant sends copy of feasibility assessment and an invoice to the VR Self Employment Specialist and to the Program Specialist for Self-Employment.
- The Program Specialist for Self-Employment coordinates a meeting with the Business Consultant, the VR Self Employment Specialist and the Client. Preferably, the meeting is face-to- face. If face-to-face meeting is not possible, set up video conferencing or another method of communication
- A meeting is required whether the Feasibility Assessment is positive or negative to review the results of the feasibility.
- If the Feasibility Assessment is positive and everyone agrees, authorize to the Business Consultant for development of a business plan. The Self-Employment Program Specialist discusses next steps with the client.
- If a decision is made for Business Plan development, the VR Self Employment Specialist meets with the client to provide options for selection of Benefits Planning vendor and a referral is then made for Benefits Planning and Analysis.
- Client will provide information to the Self-Employment Program Specialist and the Business Consultant in a timely manner.
- If the Feasibility Assessment is negative, discuss alternatives with the client and the VR Self Employment Specialist and refer back to originating VR Specialist.
Develop the Business Plan
- Business Consultant, Program Specialist for Self Employment, VR Self Employment Specialist and client will develop a business plan.
- VR Self Employment Specialist authorizes for up to 18 hours for Business Plan Development and milage in excess of 25 miles.
- While Business Plan is being developed, the VR Self Employment Specialist refers to ATP if accommodations will be needed. Reason for referral is marked Self-Employment Consultation.
- The Business Consultant submits the completed plan
- The Program Specialist coordinates a meeting with the Business Consultant, the client and the VR team and other providers as appropriate to ensure the following criteria are discussed during the meeting:
- The business idea or concept is sound, based on an appraisal of similar ventures and their result.
- There is a market for the goods or services to be provided by the business based on an appraisal of the market for the goods or services, market competition, and the recipient’s market strategy.
- The business venture is financially sound based on an assessment of initial start-up costs, credit and financing availability, and pro forma cash flow and profit/loss statements.
- The recipient will be able to manage and operate the business based on the consistency between the requirements of the business and the recipient’s unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, and interests.
6. The VR Self-Employment Specialist develops the IPE if the above criteria are met and the client and VR agree to business plan. Both agree on a targeted net monthly income.
7. VR Self-Employment Specialist agrees with the Business Plan. VR responsibilities are specified on IPE. Client responsibilities are outlined on the IPE including submitting recipts and the required monthly targeted income information with the VR Program Specialist. Move the client to services initiated-VR Services in QE 2.
8. VR Self-Employment Specialist authorizes the appropriate business start-up costs, skill training and/or disability related costs as described in the Business Plan and the ATP report if appropriate. Submits to High Cost Fund if an individual item costs over $2000.
9. Upon completion of purchase of start-up items and the business is operating at the targeted monthly income, place the individual in Services Initiated-Employment follow-up milestone.
Business Plan Implementation
- The Self Employment Program Specialist will support the client and monitor the client’s progress during the implementation process.
- The Program Specialist will refer and advocate for the client to other business funding sources.
- The Program Specialist will problem solve with the client any barriers encountered.
- The Program Specialist will coordinate with the VR specialist any ATP accommodations.
- The Program Specialist will ensure any training or supports needed are implemented.
- The Program Specialist will coordinate with the client and Benefits Planner, if appropriate.
- The Program Specialist will coordinate with the VR marketing team to ensure the new business is marketed to appropriate customers.
- The Program Specialist has a minimum of weekly contact during this period.
- All of the above services will be documented in QE 2 as they occur.
Business Monitoring
- The Program Specialist follows up with Business owner to review business process to provide assistance, to address problems and to ensure the new business is progressing as planned.
- The Program Specialist has monthly communication with business owner.
- Client reports the monthly income business is producing.
- Monitors the Target Net Monthly Income Goal. This targeted income goal can be revised if agreed upon by the client, VR Specialist and Self Employment Program Specialist.
- The monthly contact is recorded in the file along with the copy of the financial reports.
- The Program Specialist notifies VR Specialist of progress.
- Document all progress in QE 2.
Successful Closure
- The client submits the monthly financial statement. When the client reaches the Target Net Monthly Income Goal, an outcome may be considered.
- If a client is unable to reach the Target Net Monthly Goal, but stabilizes at a lower income level for a minimum of 3 months, a successful outcome may be considered if the client is in aggrement.
- For reporting purposes in QE2 never exceed 40 hours for the number of hours the individual is working during the week.